On Sat, Sep 26, 2015 at 01:25:09PM +0200, Edward Bartolo wrote:
> This is a screen shot with the Edit dialog shown.
> http://postimg.org/image/9obv7fnlp/

Your aerial view walpaper is lovely.  It's on the verge of giving me 

I'm wondering if there are technical reasons to switch from wicd to 
netman.  As far as I know, wicd is systemd-free.  Is there any reason to 
suspect it's going  to be otherwise?

There is a nontechnical reason, of course, which is supporting our own 

The main issue is I have with switching is that if I have trouble with 
it, whether it's my fault or not, I'll lose the convenient network 
access I use to ask for help.

I'm currently using wicd, and there's one user-oriented feature it seems 
to lack.  When I'm at a site where they provide wifi, it detects it, 
then allows me to enter the local wifi password.

But when I'm away from it, there seems to be no way to tell it about the 
now-remote site.

Now the occasions on which I want to use it are vanishingly small.  But 
is has once happened that I'm initialising a new device, and it would be 
massively convenient not to have to visit every wifi spot I plan to use 
merely to transfer the passwords from the old device to the new.

Can netman do this?

I also like a mode in which I can see the password I'm entering.  I'm 
not a great typist, and I'd like to know whether I have the wrong 
password or merely entered it wrong.  When my wife broke her wrist, 
correct password typing became an unsurmountable obstacle for her.
Seeing the password is a security risk, but it's also an invaluable 
accessibility feature.

All in all, considering where you started from, you've done an 
amazing job.  I haven't read the code or tried it, but the UI looks 
straightforward and to the point.  You have probably learned a lot, too.  
Keep up the good work. 

-- hendrik

> On 26/09/2015, Edward Bartolo <edb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I was asked for the current netman's frontend GUI screenshot. Here it is:
> > http://s13.postimg.org/lirdshy07/2015_09_26_124924_1600x900_scrot.png
> >
> > I liked it for its simplicity... but I will have to adapt to what
> > potential users want.
> >
> > Edward
> >
> > On 26/09/2015, info at smallinnovations.nl <i...@smallinnovations.nl>
> > wrote:
> >> Edward,
> >>
> >> Although i will stay with wicd i am glad that with netman i do have a
> >> choice.
> >> And most important of all you actually did something whereas others
> >> still are sitting on their hands.
> >> So if someone friendly point out some improvements make us of it.
> >> And if some dick is just criticizing without any real suggestion for
> >> improvement just ignore him.
> >>
> >> Just my 0,02
> >>
> >>> Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2015 08:04:15 +0200
> >>> From: Edward Bartolo<edb...@gmail.com>
> >>> To: dng<dng@lists.dyne.org>
> >>> Subject: Re: [DNG] What can I do after netman?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Dear All,
> >>>
> >>> As many probably remember, when I asked to be allowed to create a
> >>> network manager, I made it clear that I have NO FORMAL TRAINING IN
> >>> PROGRAMMING. What I know, has been learnt by buying expensive books
> >>> from specialised booksellers and studying on my own.
> >>>
> >>> Now regarding the bad marks I am getting (2/10?) for writing a project
> >>> that has been working since its inception.... although I have been
> >>> using it for a month now without issues. Furthermore, I don't want to
> >>> use shell scripts or any interpreters: those who want to use them can
> >>> easily, or I dare say not so easily, as coding requires commitment,
> >>> especially, if it is done for free as in my case, opt to code a
> >>> network manager in THEIR TIME.
> >>>
> >>> Intellectual myopia or better, the urge to troll and discourage me to
> >>> continue with this project, is preventing those who criticise it
> >>> negatively, not to see the ultimate aim of the project, which is to
> >>> avoid using ifup, ifdown and any interfaces files. However, DEVUAN was
> >>> in an urgent need of a network manager, and I offered my help, and
> >>> indeed, humbly presented a NOT SO PROFESSIONAL APPLICATION that works.
> >>> Yes, it is not shiny, and it does not create a systray icon from where
> >>> it can be invoked, but it works and it is stable.
> >>>
> >>> >From the remarks I am getting, apart from some genuine Devuan DDs, I
> >>> think, I have got a FAIL in this project, which is to be evaluated
> >>> against the context of a coder who has had NO FORMAL TRAINING IN
> >>>
> >>> Please, also note, being arrogant and disrespectful, does not persuade
> >>> anyone to do what such an attacker wants. You have your time and a
> >>> brain, use them to create your own network manager according to what
> >>> you deem best.
> >>>
> >>> I dedicated hours upon hours of my free time, often resulting in a
> >>> headache to complete the project within reasonable time. However, I go
> >>> a beating and a severe bashing instead of being guided to do better
> >>> the next time.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Edward
> >>
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> >> Dng mailing list
> >> Dng@lists.dyne.org
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> >>
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