Hi Aitor,

Sender is the originating object sending initiating the event. For
example, let us consider Button: TButton. The latter's OnClick event
can be used to call method:

ButtonOnClick(Sender: TObject);

Sender points at Button. So, inside the event handler, the cast
TButton(Sender) can be used to operate directly on the calling object.
However, Sender need not be used and it is normal practice in
Lazarus/Delphi code not to use it.

Regarding the following exeption, this is caused because
"/usr/lib/netman/bin/backend " was not found and the exception was
forwarded to the TApplication object.

TApplication.HandleException Executable not found:
"/usr/lib/netman/bin/backend "

I think, the error is simply an extra space at the end of:

Edit the file /etc/netman.conf and see what happens. If you are not
using /etc/netman.conf, something else is causing the error, but I
doubt this is what is happening.

Also, as a test, try to remove the --auto-conn parameter and check
whether netman loads. If it loads, it would corroborate my conclusion
that the cause is an extra space at the end of the line mentioned


On 23/09/2015, aitor_czr <aitor_...@gnuinos.org> wrote:
> They are ready, but it is a test:
> http://gnuinos.org/netman/
> I think something goes wrong, because if i run netman in the command
> line i get the following message:
> $ netman
>   TApplication.HandleException Executable not found:
> "/usr/lib/netman/bin/backend "
>   Stack trace:
>   $00000000005B6822
>   $0000000000461464
>   $0000000000461FD7
>   $000000000045EB7D
>   $0000000000447342
>   $000000000042E3C1
>   $000000000060BC44
>   $0000000000449460
>   $000000000061976D
>   $000000000060909A
>   $0000000000608FC0
>   $000000000044D5E8
>   $00000000006075D8
>   $0000000000626042
>   $0000000000622398
>   $0000000000446EAA
>   $000000000044BE82
> and an applet saying:
>   Executable not found: "/usr/lib/netman/bin/backend ".
>   Press OK to ignore and risk data corruption.
>   Press Cancel to kill the program.
> Building the packages, i get something like this:
> Target OS: Linux for i386
> Compiling netman.lpr
> Compiling mainform.pas
> Compiling backend.pas
> backend.pas(98,47) Hint: Local variable "s" does not seem to be initialized
> backend.pas(152,3) Note: Local variable "i" not used
> backend.pas(211,30) Hint: Local variable "s" does not seem to be
> initialized
> backend.pas(238,30) Hint: Local variable "s" does not seem to be
> initialized
> backend.pas(261,30) Hint: Local variable "s" does not seem to be
> initialized
> backend.pas(271,31) Hint: Local variable "s" does not seem to be
> initialized
> backend.pas(343,47) Hint: Local variable "Buffer" does not seem to be
> initialized
> backend.pas(307,5) Note: Local variable "aline" not used
> backend.pas(380,10) Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
> backend.pas(488,3) Note: Local variable "equalPos" not used
> backend.pas(27,63) Hint: Unit "BaseUnix" not used in backend
> Compiling formeditconnectprops.pas
> Compiling detailed_info.pas
> detailed_info.pas(36,28) Hint: Parameter "Sender" not used
> formeditconnectprops.pas(51,40) Hint: Parameter "Sender" not used
> formeditconnectprops.pas(52,24) Hint: Parameter "Sender" not used
> formeditconnectprops.pas(53,24) Hint: Parameter "Sender" not used
> formeditconnectprops.pas(54,42) Hint: Parameter "Sender" not used
> formeditconnectprops.pas(54,59) Hint: Parameter "User" not used
> formeditconnectprops.pas(55,27) Hint: Parameter "Sender" not used
> formeditconnectprops.pas(46,29) Hint: Parameter "Sender" not used
> formeditconnectprops.pas(111,3) Note: Local variable "s" not used
> formeditconnectprops.pas(47,32) Hint: Parameter "Sender" not used
> formeditconnectprops.pas(122,3) Note: Local variable "i" not used
> formeditconnectprops.pas(48,28) Hint: Parameter "Sender" not used
> formeditconnectprops.pas(49,35) Hint: Parameter "Sender" not used
> formeditconnectprops.pas(50,28) Hint: Parameter "Sender" not used
> mainform.pas(60,27) Hint: Parameter "Sender" not used
> mainform.pas(61,26) Hint: Parameter "Sender" not used
> mainform.pas(62,24) Hint: Parameter "Sender" not used
> mainform.pas(63,30) Hint: Parameter "Sender" not used
> mainform.pas(64,36) Hint: Parameter "Sender" not used
> mainform.pas(167,24) Hint: Mixing signed expressions and longwords gives
> a 64bit result
> mainform.pas(65,27) Hint: Parameter "Sender" not used
> mainform.pas(215,34) Hint: Local variable "pw" does not seem to be
> initialized
> mainform.pas(58,28) Hint: Parameter "Sender" not used
> mainform.pas(259,45) Hint: Local variable "Buffer" does not seem to be
> initialized
> mainform.pas(228,13) Note: Local variable "s" not used
> mainform.pas(59,36) Hint: Parameter "Sender" not used
> mainform.pas(299,10) Note: Local variable "pw" not used
> mainform.pas(56,30) Hint: Parameter "Sender" not used
> mainform.pas(327,10) Note: Local variable "backend_text" not used
> mainform.pas(327,24) Note: Local variable "prev_caption" not used
> mainform.pas(55,31) Hint: Parameter "Sender" not used
> mainform.pas(54,35) Hint: Parameter "Sender" not used
> mainform.pas(57,34) Hint: Parameter "Sender" not used
> mainform.pas(30,29) Hint: Unit "ComCtrls" not used in mainform
> Compiling resource
> /tmp/buildd/netman-0.1.0-c296e06/lib/i386-linux/netman.or
> Linking netman
> ...........................
> ...........................
> Sender is a parameter used to send signals, something similar to the
> SIGNAL/SLOTS system in Qt.
> Anyway, the proccess ends successfully.
> Cheers,
> Aitor.
>> On 21/09/2015, tilt! <t...@linuxfoo.de> wrote:
>>> > Hi Edward,
>>> >
>>> > congratulations on wrapping this up!
>>> >
>>> > However, attempting to build "netman" from branch "master" at
>>> >
>>> >     https://git.devuan.org/edbarx/netman.git
>>> >
>>> > i get the following errors:
>>> >
>>> >     * directory ./backend_src/obj missing
>>> >     * directory ./bin missing
>>> >     * link-time error:
>>> >
>>> >     backend_src/src/backend.c:248:
>>> >        undefined reference to `autoWirelessScanPlus'
>>> >
>>> > Also, wasn't there a Debian packaging effort? Can it be downloaded
>>> > somewhere?
>>> >
>>> > Best regards,
>>> > T.
>>> >
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