This is textual representation from links -dump .

   ||M...||   Gravis                                         2015-03-05 05:22 
   ||....M|   Dr. Nikolaus Klepp                             2015-03-05 08:04 
   ||.....M   Dr. Nikolaus Klepp                             2015-03-05 08:11 
   ||.....M   Gravis                                         2015-03-05 08:28 
   |M.....|   shraptor shraptor                              2015-03-05 11:06 
   M......|   Nuno Magalhaes                                 2015-03-05 13:04 
   M......|   Jaromil                                        2015-03-05 13:21 
   M......|   Nate Bargmann                                  2015-03-05 17:29 
   .......M-\ miroslav.rovis1                                2015-03-05 17:51 
   .......M\| Martijn Dekkers                                2015-03-05 19:41 
   .......||M Gravis                                         2015-03-06 00:07 
   .......M|  miroslav.rovis1                                2015-03-06 00:43 
   .......|M  Gravis                                         2015-03-06 01:09 
   .......M   Gravis                                         2015-03-06 01:12 

And the message from among the above that was not delivered to my mailbox is:

   .......||M Gravis                                         2015-03-06 00:07 

So I have to reply to it by constructing if from:

where I see it. I don't think there is an easy way to make it appear
where it is due, in the right place in the thread linked above as shown
in your mailboxes, such as if you use Mutt like me or other good mail
client, kind Devuan members (or in this thread that some kind reader is
reading from the web in the future). I mean I can make it appear where
it's due, right after the message that it is a reply to.

While it could be a fault in my system (there are threads about messages not
showing in mutt-users mailing list), it is much more likely this is my dear
regime's work. Seen such a lot of it to even expect it.

>> Really? The Surveillance Engine Terminated All My Videos

> you are not a victim here. your videos were "terminated" because they 
> violated copyright law which they are required to enforce. apparently 
> you are a repeat offender and thus correctly deemed untrustworthy. 

You don't know that to be truth what you are claiming. And you are calling me
a lier by saying that. You're unnecessarily attacking me, just for your love
of Google, which I don't have anything against, your love of Google, but here
you're making their falsity to become truth, and without knowing, without
having seen any of my videos to know whether they were in breach of copyright.
And they were not!

> your other comments pointing to forum posts are nebulous in meaning. 

> - Gravis 

Like Google and Yahoo sending mail from my machine, maybe?
> >> a clickjacking that only packets captured show:
> >> Postfix smtp/TLS, Bkp/Cloning Mthd, Censorship/Intrusion
> >>
> >>

Or like my Grsecurity tip, which is approaching 30,000 views?
> >> Grsecurity/Pax installation on Debian GNU/Linux
> >>
> >>

Or my new topic on dbus?
> Updating and keeping your Gentoo non-poeterized

Which of these three is nebulous to deserve disrespectful top posting of
yours and taking my words out of context, so other members would not see my
thought but your crippled representation of my thought
in the email of yours, where you cut this thought of mine:

> > Well, I don't respond in kind. I was derided and attacked earlier in
> > Debian Fora, but my topics and my tips ended up being read and
> > followed. And they are in Gentoo Fora.

to just: 
> > I was derided and attacked earlier in Debian Fora
> why am i not surprised? -_-


And, just for the record, this is, IMO, enough from me in my defence. If
either Martijn Dekkers or Gravis continue attacking me via offences, and
false arguments and non-arguments, I have made my sufficient defence

Pls., anyone, can we get any serious insight from somebody on topics
that, some, can be read in the links above:

the Grsecurity/Pax hardening of the kernel, will you think of it,
instead of SELinux, or as an option besides SELinux? It sure will be
attainable in the way I got it in Debian in that Tip, but official
support would be so great!

And an opt-out from dbus, official possiblity to have a non-dbus Devuan.

For now let's try and discuss just these two of my queries.
Miroslav Rovis
Zagreb, Croatia

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