Am Donnerstag, 5. März 2015 schrieb Gravis:
> > Here is just one example of what I am referring to.
> >
> yeah, if you actually read the article you will learn that google
> (like everyone else) complies with the law.  if you look further, you
> learn that the NSA tapped private fiber lines for both google and
> yahoo.  so what exactly did google do to offend you?  is your
> objection that they were hacked by the NSA or that they strong armed
> by the NSA?
> > > reporting child pornography to the FBI as legally required by law?
> > I don't understand where you got child pornography from.
> you wrote "considering their ties to government agencies" and the FBI
> is a government agency.
> --Gravis

Sorry, no. FBI, NSA and US as a whole is a hostile government. Cooperation is 
forbidden by law (at least for normal citizens). Please do a realitycheck 
outside US.


Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with 
the NSA.

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