
My idea for a "Pet" project is not to promote a particular project.
We simply need a project with a relatively large number of "re-usable"
apps that can be brought into compliance with the "Best Practices"
guidelines.  While I do see this as a separate effort and needing a
separate site, I do think it is pivotal to "selling" django.

As a new django developer I am constantly trying to determine the best
way to implement a particular use case.  [idea] So, could the
enterprise site focus on generating the use cases (pet store selling
python's and parots, and such) and the 10,000 foot view explaining
them?  Then the best practices site could implement these use cases
with detailed docs.  [/idea] This would give a code base that conforms
and is re-usable based on real-world needs.  The process of
implementing the use cases alone would reveal paths of least
resistance in django.

Most of my clients are new to the web and assume they need a cms type
thing to get started and then build from there.  This is why I tend to
develop a cms and then plug everything into it.  I love django and
would like to have that boiler plate code in my pocket when I write up
a proposal.

Richard Shebora

On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 5:53 AM, finn <> wrote:
> Thanks for all the comments so far. I seem to have started a debate,
> and that was exactly the purpose!
> First, let me try to clarify something: I would never try to sell
> Django as a CMS because it obviously isn't a CMS. But that doesn't
> mean that comparisons with CMS's does not serve a purpose. They do.
> This excellent blog post is a good example:
> ”Selling” is very much about meeting potential customers where they
> are. I think that at least some potential customers for potentially
> successful Django projects start their search for a foundation to
> build on at the CMS marketplace (relevant to their project or not). We
> should have a way to say to these people: ”although Django is not a
> CMS, it might in fact be exactly what you're looking for”.
> Russ: I would love to contribute to such a site with ideas about
> structure and content. But I think  the site should have a very nice
> and appealing layout, and I am not a very good designer, so somebody
> else would be needed for that part. Another thing: we should probably
> start with considering one of the Django ready-made CMS'es for the
> site. But of course, it should be very clear that the site should not
> promote that CMS in particular.
> Richard Shevora mentioned that Django should have a ”pet project”. The
> term might be inspired by Suns (now ORACLEs) well-known ”Java Pet
> Store”: I think having a
> kind of a reference application like this could be a really great way
> to show both technical and non-technical people what Django can do!
> But I think it should be an application that was designed specifically
> for a demo-purpose. Maybe a ”Django pet store” where you can buy
> parrots and pythons? :-)
> Finn Gruwier Larsen
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