
Thanks for this clarification.  After reading your post I went to and do indeed see your point.  I am happy to jump
on board and help with the project that is the generally accepted place for
learning about (i stress learning about for me), and improving django
application portability across django projects.

Is it a consensus that Pinax is this project, even if by default because
it's the best and biggest so far?  I hope so because it has a major head
start and doing any of this work from scratch would be much harder.
 <prayer>Please let every say Pinax is the one!</prayer>  If it is not, how
do we agree on the best project to expend time and effort?

Responses? Clarifications? Votes?

Sorry if I seem either redundant or naive in all of this, but I really would
like to resolve this issue, at least for myself because I need to get some
projects up and running.  And the only thing that has been stopping me
is uncertainty about best practices.  I will just get started regardless of
the outcome of this post, but I'd love to have a obvious direction to

Richard Shebora

On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 8:45 AM, Russell Keith-Magee <> wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 8:16 PM, Richard Shebora <>
> wrote:
> > Finn,
> >
> > My idea for a "Pet" project is not to promote a particular project.
> > We simply need a project with a relatively large number of "re-usable"
> > apps that can be brought into compliance with the "Best Practices"
> > guidelines.  While I do see this as a separate effort and needing a
> > separate site, I do think it is pivotal to "selling" django.
> >
> > As a new django developer I am constantly trying to determine the best
> > way to implement a particular use case.  [idea] So, could the
> > enterprise site focus on generating the use cases (pet store selling
> > python's and parots, and such) and the 10,000 foot view explaining
> > them?  Then the best practices site could implement these use cases
> > with detailed docs.  [/idea] This would give a code base that conforms
> > and is re-usable based on real-world needs.  The process of
> > implementing the use cases alone would reveal paths of least
> > resistance in django.
> >
> > Most of my clients are new to the web and assume they need a cms type
> > thing to get started and then build from there.  This is why I tend to
> > develop a cms and then plug everything into it.  I love django and
> > would like to have that boiler plate code in my pocket when I write up
> > a proposal.
> I must be missing something, because I honestly can't tell the
> difference between what you're proposing, and what Pinax (and the
> corresponding live-demo site is intended to do.
> There may be aspects of Pinax's documentation that could be improved,
> and there may be features that Pinax doesn't have that are worth
> demonstrating, but it sounds like it would be a lot easier to add
> to/improve on Pinax than to try starting a new project from scratch.
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)
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