Hi all,

In light of the continually busy Hugo, I've just joined this list to try
and stay on top of any problems that might pop up in the
internationalisation and localisation areas.. For those who don't know
me, I'm one of the group loosely labelled as "core developers" for
Django -- been hanging around the project causing trouble since
late-2005. I have a fair bit of experience in the i18n area, having
helped out with a lot of problems and infrastructure on the GNOME
project over the years (as well as given talks about it to various
groups), so I have some understanding of how things work.

Anyway, just sending this to let people know there's somebody listening
if anybody posts problem reports. I'm trying to get any new translation
files committed as quickly as possible, unless there are any obvious
problems. I'm not going to say I'm the new "i18n maintainer", because
Hugo suddenly find some more free time; I'll just be hanging around

The 0.96 release is coming up "soon" (a week or two, probably). There
won't be a string freeze prior to that, but there shouldn't be too many
string changes between now and then, though, so if people want to have a
quick look at their translation stats and drop in an update, that'd be

I'll try to get a string freeze in place for a little prior to 1.0
(which won't be for a while yet, but is targeted to be the next big
release after 0.96) so that everything can be translated and checked
before that.


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