I won't cite any past message because I lost some of them during an
accidental removal of the emails on my computer, so forgive me if this
was already said by someone else.

Personally, I don't think we need to dive down into completely different
VCS software just because a VCS repository provider decided to go evil.
We can still use Git but push people to not to use GitHub, not because
of the recent Microsoft acquisition, but due to a problem we have been
facing many months before that, which is even worse than the
acquisition: non-free software being forced to the people who visit the
GitHub website, through client-side JavaScript[1].

GNU Savannah provides Git repository hosting too, and is powered by GNU
Savane, a host software that you can use on your own[2]. There is an
ongoing effort by the Peers Community to make a VCS hosting software
called Vervis[3]. Besides there is host software called Kallithea[4]
(partly maintained by the Software Freedom Conservancy, which has the
plus of already providing correctly-marked free/libre client-side
JavaScript, and also has many features to allow commits to be made from
the web browser) and there is Pagure[5] (which I don't know how good or
bad it is in terms of software freedom for the
end-user/website-visitor). All of these, as far as I know, work with Git.

[1] https://www.gnu.org/software/repo-criteria-evaluation.html#GitHub

[2] https://savannah.gnu.org/p/administration

[3] https://peers.community/#projects

[4] https://kallithea-scm.org/

[5] https://pagure.io/pagure

- Página com formas de contato:
- Ativista do software livre (não confundir com o gratuito). Avaliador
  da liberdade de software e de sites.
- Página com lista de contribuições:
- Para uso em escritórios e trabalhos, favor enviar arquivos do padrão
  internacional OpenDocument/ODF 1.2 (ISO/IEC 26300-1:2015 e
  correlatos). São os .odt/.ods/.odp/odg. O LibreOffice é a suíte de
  escritório recomendada para editar tais arquivos.
- Para outros formatos de arquivos, veja:
- Gosta do meu trabalho? Contrate-me ou doe algo para mim!
- Use comunicações sociais federadas padronizadas, onde o "social"
  permanece independente do fornecedor. #DeleteWhatsApp. Use #XMPP
  (https://libreplanet.org/wiki/XMPP.pt), #DeleteFacebook
  #DeleteInstagram #DeleteTwitter #DeleteYouTube. Use #ActivityPub via
  #Mastodon (https://joinmastodon.org/).
- #DeleteNetflix #CancelNetflix. Evite #DRM:

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