Am Samstag 08 September 2018 15:36:08 schrieb Adonay Felipe Nogueira:
> Personally, I don't think we need to dive down into completely different
> VCS software just because a VCS repository provider decided to go evil.

The argument is about how to counter the network-effect that will makes it 
easier and easier for a leading provider to get more ahead of others.
And it is about what is a more sustainable choice.

The money that Github is earning with helping to develop proprietary
software, allows it to innovate fast and turn a user experience of git into a 
user experience of git-hub. If many people are socialised with it, they want 
that user experience whereever they go. This is why even using Bitbucket
as a proprietary competitor does something good to keep the competition open.
And using hg or services that allow hg also help weakening the network-effect 
cycle a bit, while strengthening chances of competition.

> GNU Savannah provides Git repository hosting too, and is powered by GNU
> Savane, a host software that you can use on your own[2]. 

It is very good that these Free Software product and services exist.
The problem is that many developers now believe them to be too far behind (in 
features, available add-ons and user experiences) compared to 

Even Allura (which is the Free Software that runs Sourceforge) is considered 
by many to not play in the same league.

For instance Savane is an continuation of the old sourceforge code variant,
a newer one is
which was used by Debian and others (see list at
But Debian is moving off Fusionforge.
The listed organisations (which includes my company) have failed to finance 
and organise a steady development of Fusionforge so it could keep up.
Think about! which shutdown a while ago.

If we (as Free Software people) want a first class Free Software product
and a number of service providers offering to run it for us, we need to make 
sure professionals can earn serious money with it. 


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