On Tue, May 03, 2016 at 01:53:42PM +0200, Gerhard Stenzel wrote:
> On 05/02/2016 10:36 PM, Ben Pfaff wrote:
> >What if we just make ofp_port_t 32 bits?  That has to be the long-term
> >trend anyway because OpenFlow 1.1+ uses a 32-bit port number.  The
> >following passes all the unit tests on i386 (though I haven't carefully
> >looked at all the uses of ofp_port_t), what about big-endian systems?
> For the current master branch and your patch, the result looks like this:
> [openvswitch 2.5.90] testsuite: 744 745 818 949 980 1026 1087 failed

Would you mind passing along the full testsuite.log?


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