Larry Gusaas <> @ 2015-12-18 23:35 CET:

> On 2015-12-18, 4:14 PM Charles-H. Schulz wrote concerning "Re:
> [tdf-discuss] Re: Installing on Mac OS X":
>         4. I call LibreOffice a clone because it is a clone. Some people try
>> to dispute this unequivocal fact.
>     No, that is your opinion.
> No it is a fact. When did LibreOffice have the legal right to the name
> Never. Why did LibreOffice update its code base to
> Apache OpenOffice?

I'm sorry but what are you even talking about? You seem to call a clone (and
apply its negative nuance to it) what started as a
fork. for more and again: -> what you see there is not clone of Apache
OpenOffice .

> LibreOffice is not a successor to, it is a clone
> derived from it. All legal, by the way. But your claims not to be a
> clone are specious.

It seems you want to make a political point while aggressively complaining
about a real issue with language packs on OSX and repeatedly "threatening" to
go back to Apache OpenOffice. My initial reaction was to help you sort out
the issue, but you already had sorted it out yourself. My second reaction was
to encourage you to follow your impulse and go back using Apache
OpenOffice. If LibreOffice makes your life miserable, you have other choices,
and after all, it's not like you've purchased it or something. My only regret
is that I did not understand your point until long into the thread....



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