On 2015-12-18, 1:42 AM Uwe Altmann wrote:
Hi Larry
I have the sames Mac OS as you and just got me
LibreOffice_5.0.4_MacOS_x86-64.dmg (via torrent).
I opened the .dmg and copied the LibreOffice file into Programs. Then
started it per double click - it opened without any problem. My Security
is set to "Mac App Store and verified developers".
So most probably your download went wrong and the file got damaged.
No, the download did not go wrong. I also installed the en-GB language pack. Doing so makes the
signing certificate invalid and it can't be opened unless I switch security settings to
"Anywhere". You obviously didn't read my post clearly.
(btw: I try since tree days to install MS Office 365 - nothing works,
all downloaded packages are corrupted, MS support cannot find the reason
why. So you'll not be better with that)
And why would you think I would even consider using MS Office???
BTW: Apache OpenOffice has no problem opening after installation. Pages also works well. I have
not need for MS Office.
Am 18.12.15 um 01:12 schrieb Larry Gusaas:
Once again I can't open LibreOffice after upgrading to
LibreOffice_5.0.4_MacOS_x86-64 and
LibreOffice_5.0.4_MacOS_x86-64_langpack_en-GB on my Mac (OS X ver.
10.11.2 El Capitan)
Get the following message:
“LibreOffice.app” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it
to the Trash.
I have to go to my security settings to allow apps downloaded from
anywhere. Can't right click/open to bypass setting like other applications.
You need to fix your signing certificates so they are valid when an
additional language pack is installed.
I'm one step closer to eradicating LibreOffice from my computer. Still
need to open old WordPerfect files though.
Larry I. Gusaas
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada
Website: http://larry-gusaas.com
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