Hi Larry

I have the sames Mac OS as you and just got me
LibreOffice_5.0.4_MacOS_x86-64.dmg (via torrent).
I opened the .dmg and copied the LibreOffice file into Programs. Then
started it per double click - it opened without any problem. My Security
is set to "Mac App Store and verified developers".

So most probably your download went wrong and the file got damaged.
(btw: I try since tree days to install MS Office 365  - nothing works,
all downloaded packages are corrupted, MS support cannot find the reason
why. So you'll not be better with that)

Am 18.12.15 um 01:12 schrieb Larry Gusaas:
> Once again I can't open LibreOffice after upgrading to
> LibreOffice_5.0.4_MacOS_x86-64 and
> LibreOffice_5.0.4_MacOS_x86-64_langpack_en-GB on my Mac (OS X ver.
> 10.11.2 El Capitan)
> Get the following message:
>    “LibreOffice.app” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it
> to the Trash.
> I have to go to my security settings to allow apps downloaded from
> anywhere. Can't right click/open to bypass setting like other applications.
> You need to fix your signing certificates so they are valid when an
> additional language pack is installed.
> I'm one step closer to eradicating LibreOffice from my computer. Still
> need to open old WordPerfect files though.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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