On 2015-12-18, 7:56 AM Uwe Altmann wrote:
Hi Larry

Am 18.12.15 um 10:34 schrieb Larry Gusaas:
No, the download did not go wrong. I also installed the en-GB language
pack. Doing so makes the signing certificate invalid and it can't be
opened unless I switch security settings to "Anywhere". You obviously
didn't read my post clearly.
Maybe your post wasn't clearly enough on this? Also my English is
extremely bad so perhaps I missed the point?

So for this I downloaded en-GB langpack and installed it on my 5.0.4
(with German langpack already installed). Started LO as usual - no
problem. No invalid or invalidated certificate so far. en-GB is
available now. Everything is as it should.

To clarify:
When you download LibreOffice and a language pack and install LibreOffice and then install the language pack before opening LibreOffice you will get the error message.

If you have already opened LibreOffice before installing the language pack, like you did, the language pack will install and you will not get an error message.

This is a serious issue for non-english speaking people since they are likely to install the language pack before they open LibreOffice.

Installing a language pack before opening LibreOffice modifies the program and makes the certificate invalid since it does not cover the modification.

Probably the error message is right and you perhaps got the NSA-Version
of the download ( ;-) - just joking). Try download again from

Perhaps I should just stick with Apache OpenOffice instead of using a clone.


Larry I. Gusaas
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada
Website: http://larry-gusaas.com
"An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind theirs." - 
Edgard Varese

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