On 01/04/2010 07:17 PM, 加藤義也 wrote:
> Matt. Thank you very much for very prompt and highly accurate reply.
> To have maximum number of options for considering with my limited resources.
> Please advice me again.
> -Change 100MHz crystal to 76.8MHz or 122.88MHz(lined up on Crystek 
> CVHD950) can not be a option?
> Will this idea give significant impact to USRP2?

You should be able to use the 76.8 MHz option without any trouble.  You
would not be able to meet timing in the FPGA with the 122.88 MHz one.
You will also need to change the firmware in the FPGA which sets the PLL
tuning if you are using an external reference.

It will be MUCH easier to use the rational resampler I mentioned in my
previous email.  I would strongly advise that you try that first, as it
shouldn't take you more than an hour or two.


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