Matt. Thank you very much for very prompt and highly accurate reply.

To have maximum number of options for considering with my limited resources.
Please advice me again.

-Change 100MHz crystal to 76.8MHz or 122.88MHz(lined up on Crystek CVHD950)
can not be a option?
Will this idea give significant impact to USRP2?

#Please advice me If I could download FPGA ISE/EDK souces for analyze
maximum frequency for each cores.
#Since the specified URL for download is not available now.

Why I thought this may be a option was because Scott tried "re-clocking"
motherboard on below.

 >[Discuss-gnuradio] Motherboard Re-Clocking Question
 >scott scott
 >Mon, 26 Oct 2009 19:49:56 -0700

In my understand 100MHz(CVHD950) is simply used for the drive DAC/ADC and is
able to replace.
Unfortunately, I could not reach to the document address specified in above

Best Regards.

2010年1月5日6:14 Matt Ettus <>:

> On 01/04/2010 07:29 AM, 加藤義也 wrote:
>> Arbitrary symbol rate transmission by USRP2.
>> I would like to transmit dqpsk 1,536,000sps with using
>> and thru USRP2.
>> Since USRP2 does have 100MHz as clock source.
>> With the clock, seems decimation and interpolation only allow me at
>> 1,538,461sps(100MHz/65) is the nearest.
>> I thought I need to make the clock which familiar to the desired symbol
>> rate(1,536,000sps).
>> Which I modify FPGA's DCM clock manager to prescale 100MHz by 3125
>> (100,000,000/3125=32KHz) and
>>  multiply it by 384(12.288Msps = 8x 1,536,000) and feed it to the DAC/ADC.
>> I feel decimation and interpolation number is too huge for DCM.
>> Would someone please advice me out where I should tackling to at first?
>> Should I still go for modify DCM clock manager?
> Do not modify the DCM.  That will not do what you want.  What you will need
> to do is make the software output samples at a rate which the USRP2 can
> handle.  There are 2 ways to do that:
> 1 - Create a modulator which will output a non-integer number of samples
> per symbol.
> 2 - Use the existing modulator, and add a rational resampler to your
> transmit chain to get to a useful rate.  The ratio between 1.536M and 100 M
> is 3125/48 or (5^5) / (2^4 * 3).  So you would need to interpolate by a
> total of 5^5 and decimate by 2^4*3.  You can get 5^2 in the USRP2
> interpolator by setting the main interpolator to 25.  This means you would
> be supplying 4 MS/s over the ethernet to the USRP2.
> You would then generate you sample stream at 5 samples per symbol, giving
> you 7.68 MS/s.  Now the ratio between 7.68 MS/s and 4 MS/s is only 25/48.
>  So you would use the GNU Radio rational resampler block to do this sample
> rate conversion, which is not hard.
> Matt


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