> I'd love to have any patches that it required to
> make this
> stuff run natively under windows.  There are a few
> folks who have
> cross-compiled using mingw and cygwin, but I think
> you may be the
> first to invest time trying it with MS tools.

The codes are quick and dirty, but it works. I'll post
it in the group later. I was using MS VC++ 6.0 with
libusb for win.

> Which rbf file are you loading?  If you're not doing
> anything special,
> you'll be getting the std_2rxhb_2tx.rbf which should
> be fine.

I just unpacked the debian package and got the rbf
files and ihx files out of it. I guess they are not
the newest.

My PC's motherboard is Abit IC7-G, which uses Intel
82801DB usb controller. It has noproblem handling
32MB/s data transfer.


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