I haven't tried any of those python codes yet. I am a
Windows programmer and I have Matlab Windows version
running on my PC. So all I want is being able to
download data off USRP to my Windows PC so I can try
some algorithm.

porting usb driver for USRP is not very difficult
since  libusb for Windows works very well. It took me
less than a day to port the USRP usb driver to MSVC.
And it looks that my Windows USRP USB driver is fast
enough to handle 32MB/s, because when I use
decim=4,channel=1 or decim=8,channel=2, I'll get
32MB/s data off USRP without any overrun error.

The problem is that, I was supposed to get 32MB/s data
with decim=8, channel=1, format=0x300, mux=0xf0f0f0f0
setting, instead, I got 16MB/s. I am not sure if I was
using the right parameters, that's why I am asking for

To go the linux way I have to find a spare PC with a
good enough usb controller. That will add more time
and cost to me :(.

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