I just started playing with USRP+TVRX board to get the
ATSC signal. I am a little bit confused about the
setting in the gnuradio software:

I attached TVRX on RXB, so what parameters should I
there are channels, muxs, formats.. I am totally

I tried decim rate = 8, then channel = 1, then format
= 0x300, then mux = 0x32103210.

But I can only download 16MB/s data, that's only half
what I want from USRP. If I use channel =2, or
decim=4, I was able to download 32MB/s data off USRP.
But what is the correct parameters I should use?

I also tried to setup the TVRX board. In San Jose, the
strongest DTV signal is from KICU DT @701MHz. So I
used 701e6 in tvrx.set_freq() function. and I also
used -43.75e6 in usrp.set_rx_freq(). Was I doing the
right thing?



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