'gnuradio.i' is found in ${prefix}/include/gnuradio/swig/, and is
supposed to be installed by gnuradio-core (via "sudo make install" or
equivalent). You can copy it from gr-build/gnuradio-core/src/lib/
swig/gnuradio.i into that directory if necessary (they have the same
file contents), but that shouldn't be necessary. Is your ${prefix}
the same for installing both gnuradio-core and usrp?
Both Jon Jacky and I have found that GR modules (gnuradio-core, usrp,
gr-usrp, gr-wxgui) build without modification under MacOS X 10.4, as
of late November ... assuming you have the proper background
libraries and applications installed (e.g. using Fink, DarwinPorts,
or directly from source). There are no great tricks to compile and
install those modules; the other modules, possibly excepting gr-audio-
jack, aren't really designed for MacOS X, so if you want to use them
good luck!
I just updated my local gr-build copy, and can confirm that those
modules compile and install without error in the order listed. I use
DarwinPorts for all the background stuff. - MLD
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