On Sun, Jan 01, 2006 at 10:38:58PM -0500, Michael Dickens wrote:
> Ah ... I was wondering what the linux code did, and that would make  
> sense; I had thought about that possibility, but didn't want to go  
> there yet as coding will take a bit of effort (as opposed to the  
> quick efforts thus far: async w/ feedback, async w/o feedback, sync,  
> async w/ isoch; all with the same results except for no feedback,  
> which just didn't work at that really wasn't a surprise).

I'd start with at least 8 transfers in progress.  
Buffering can hide all kinds of sins ;)

> As OSX's IOKit provides an async callback with optional user defined  
> arguments (e.g. used by libusb to get the actual # of Bytes  
> transmitted), that mechanism can be used to determine when data is  
> successfully transmitted or received, and then removed from an  
> appropriate queue.  I'll do it in USRP's fusb_darwin (similarly to  
> the linux code), since it'll be easier to do the list buffering in C+ 
> +.  I will work on that no later than Tuesday, hopefully have a  
> concept by the end of the week. - MLD

That's great!

Keep us posted!


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