I managed to get gr-usrp installed after setting an additional environmental
variable that I was overlooking.

Thanks for all the help!


On 1/1/06 3:42 PM, "Jonathan Jacky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sun, 1 Jan 2006, Elaine Garbarine wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I'm having a problem when I attempt a make on the gr-usrp module.  I get the
>> following errors:
>> ...
>> usrp0.i:26: Error: Unable to find 'gnuradio.i'
> It looks like the build procedure is having trouble finding your installed
> gnuradio-core.  Often this can be solved by defining some environment
> variables before you run ./configure, make, etc.
> On my system, I put the installed GNU Radio under ~jon/gr and the
> prerequisitees under /opt/local (this is where darwinports puts them,
> on other systems they are often put under /usr/local)
> So I can use these definitions:
> setenv GR $HOME/gr
> setenv PYTHONPATH $GR/lib/python2.3/site-packages
> setenv PKG_CONFIG_PATH $GR/lib/pkgconfig:/opt/local/lib/pkgconfig
> setenv CPATH $GR/include:/opt/local/include
> setenv LDFLAGS "-L$GR/lib -L/opt/local/lib"
> I put these lines in a file called gr-defs and then in each shell
> (terminal window) where I build or use GNU Radio I first execute the
> command
> % source gr-defs
> On your system you may need to change the definition of GR and change
> all the /opt/local to something else.
> Jon Jacky

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