Hi Marta and Juan,
I have worked a bit on the translation server <http://translate.dhis2.net/> to
accommodate the new structure of the translations. I think things should be
cleaner as well.  It looks like I may have lost some of the translations in
the new "Apps" module, so you may have to redo those, but there were not
too many. I also synced the pivot table translations. If there are more
translations or variants which need to be added after this update, just let
me know once you are done translating everything.

Best regards,

On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 10:14 PM, Bob Jolliffe <bobjolli...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Juan
> I've been seeing the flurry of activity on "usuarios".  I'm delighted to
> see there is still strong life and potential in the community and it is
> intervention from new blood like you which makes that happen.
> Bob
> On 9 July 2013 13:21, Juan M Alcántara Acosta 
> <jmalcant...@apunto.com.mx>wrote:
>> Hello Marta
>> I think you are right and I would not say the group is death.
>> We'll start the translation some time this week, I already started with a
>> few tests to get acquainted with the server. I will ask Xavier -the pro
>> translator in our group- to get in touch with you.
>> Best regards,
>> JM
>> El 29/06/2013, a las 06:38, Marta Vila <martav...@gmail.com> escribió:
>> Hi all,
>> I hadent internet acces for a week... so thats why the big silence in
>> this thread from the spanish translators (well... from me)
>> About the translation, it was completed for 2.11, so anything new for
>> 2.12 is not translated yet, would be great to have it updated.
>> About the spanish language group... It is true is not very active, but
>> every post has got an answer (untill now) ... I thing there isnt a lot of
>> movement because all memebers in that list are also here, and when we need
>> a high level of expertise we always end up in the english (experienced)
>> list ...
>> I believe It may change as spanish speaking users get more and more
>> expertise... what do you think???
>> Thanks for your your interest in helping out Juan M!
>> On 28 June 2013 15:22, Juan M Alcántara Acosta <jmalcant...@apunto.com.mx
>> > wrote:
>>> Hello Bob
>>> Thank you for the link. I posted to the group a couple of days ago but I
>>> see there's not much movement there, there are 15 messages sense Dec. 2012
>>> (including mine)
>>> JM
>>> El 26/06/2013, a las 06:00, Bob Jolliffe <bobjolli...@gmail.com>
>>> escribió:
>>> Hi Juan
>>> I think a lot of the Spanish activities around dhis2,
>>> including considerable translation work, have been co-ordinated through
>>> people who are members of a google group
>>> https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!forum/dhis2-usuarios so might
>>> also make sense to get in touch with them.
>>> Bob
>>> On 26 June 2013 11:31, Lars Helge Øverland <larshe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Juan,
>>>> yes we have an active community of translators. I am aware that labels
>>>> for some of the new features in 2.12 is not yet translated. Hopefully we
>>>> will be able to fix that soon.
>>>> From your name it seems you know a word or two of Spanish; if you feel
>>>> like contributing to the docs, the process is well documented here:
>>>> http://www.dhis2.org/doc/snapshot/en/implementer/dhis2_documentation_guide.pdf
>>>> Otherwise, Jason Pickering is overseeing the documentation effort and
>>>> he might be able to assist you if you get stuck.
>>>> best regards,
>>>> Lars
>>>> On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 10:12 PM, Juan M Alcántara Acosta <
>>>> jmalcant...@apunto.com.mx> wrote:
>>>>> Hello everyone
>>>>> Is someone currently working on the translation of the interface to
>>>>> Spanish and French?
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> JM
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