Is it worthwhile improving the current C code to a 'hardened' programming standard?�

- Joint Strike Fighter standards
- NASA JPL standards

What effort would be required for 'hardening'?

If not a full 'hardening', is it worthwhile to use the hardening/vulnerability/guideline-fail reporting tools to identify and fix the worst vulnerabilities or to grab the low-hanging fruit?

Anyone with experience with 'hardening' C code? (I don't)

But first, what's the problem with the ntpsec C code. Is there an issue with vulnerabilities in the current C code, uncertainty with possible unknown vulnerabilities in the current code, or is the concern one of introducing vulnerabilities in the future as the C code is maintained or new functionality added? Or is the answer to that "yes". Is 'hardening' a solution or just an improvement? I assume you're still vulnerable where the hardening guidelines failed or weren't ideally followed? Is moving to a new language the better solution?

If moving to another language is inevitable, if that move is selected as a goal for the next year, is 'hardening' the ntpsec C code still worthwhile?
- Could 'hardening' be done and in place before the move to another language is complete. For what benefit.
- Or would the 'hardened' C code be replaced weeks later by code in a new language. Or would new language code be in place in the same or similar time (sooner?), if 'hardening' efforts were instead put on moving.
- If a full 'hardening' isn't worthwhile, is some 'hardening' effort worthwhile.



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