Are there any C to golang or rust transpilers that work
reasonably well? The last time I checked the best rust
transpiler generated rs files that were just shallow glosses
and the golang transpiler was somewhat inadequate and

An early-started long-lived tread for each of DNS, clock-
manipulation, and client I/O. Probably with several for
refclocks and server functionality. Linux seccomp can work per
thread but only subtractively.

It would be great if we had a sandbox test tool that hits
everything NTPsec uses in a few minutes. Then we could update
the sandboxing so that downstream would not have to.

Maybe break up some of the less testable code blocks into more
manageable pieces and have tests for them.

Tests deeper than just getting the version string. Tests on
platforms that are not GNU/Linux w/ GCC. Tests on other

see if there is a way to update docker for the runners. re:
Gentoo and recent Ubuntu failures.

sort out everything in my scrap piles and get the good bits
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