Richard Laager said:
> With the caveat that there is a LOT I don't know in this space, if it  was my
> call, I'd aim for an incremental conversion of ntpd to Rust and  leave the
> userspace tooling in Python. After the daemon is converted, I  would
> re-evaluate whether the userspace tooling should be converted. 


I have troubles with Python, so I think we should consider reworking the 
userspace too.

I can use Python for small hacks.  I get in trouble with large projects.  I 
think the problem is that my brain is addicted to type checking and I can't 
keep track of the type of arguments/results.

Friends who are smarter than I am report similar problems.  They first told me 
about it many years ago before I had enough experience with large Python 
projects to appreciate what they were saying.  Their summary was: It's hard to 
go back to code you haven't worked with in a while.


There are 2 parts to a great ntpd cleanup.  One is switching to 
Go/Rust/whatever.  The other is restructuring the code to use threads.  An 
incremental conversion to Rust/Go doesn't help the restructure.  Maybe we 
should start over from scratch.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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