Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> Why would it be a pointless edit? Surely you are editing it to update
> to the new version, why wouldn't you also just edit it to adjust the
> so files? or do you not test your version upgrade specs before firing
> off official builds?

Of course not. The rule of thumb is "Rawhide first", so of course I first 
build in Rawhide, then I build updates for releases (i.e. for what I 
actually run), and then I test those before they go out to stable.

> There's a difference IMHO between a known bug (which is actively being
> worked by upstream) that prevents you from compiling and a known bug
> that prevents already existing things from working.

Sure there is: The FTBFS prevents actual Rawhide work (development) from 
being done, the runtime broken dependency does not (or if it does make your 
build fail, you just rebuild the offending package and move on, whereas the 
GCC bug has been breaking my builds for days now).

        Kevin Kofler
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