On Tue, 2016-02-02 at 11:16 +0100, Michael Schwendt wrote:
> Even if the spec file uses wildcards to include any shared library
> version, the automatic dependency checks for Rawhide will notice the
> SONAME change and inform the packager about it. => The packager will
> need to take proper action and not dump incompatible packages into
> the updates repo for stable dist releases. Unfortunately, some
> packagers seems to miss the broken deps reports or ignore them and
> perhaps are not aware of the consequences either. Oh, and I think
> we've also had some packagers not using wildcards and still rushing
> out with incompatible library updates simply because they
> underestimated
> the breakage.

This is too late, though. We don't want to break Rawhide and then find
out after the fact, we want it to not be broken in the first place.
It's actually written down somewhere that packagers are meant to notify
of soname bumps *before* they happen (and similar changes for other
forms of shared libraries) and co-ordinate or do the rebuilds of
dependent packages.

In this particular case, this soname bump caused one day's Rawhide
compose to be entirely broken; most images did not build at all. We
want to avoid that.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
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