On Tue, Feb 04, 2025 at 06:41:07PM +0100, Vít Ondruch wrote:

I started replying to everything, but then I realized it's probibly not
worth me doing so. :)


> To sum this up, I can see 3 benefits of mass rebuild:
> 1) change of dist tag
> 2) ensuring all packages builds
> 3) ensuring that all changes with global impact are included
> But
> 1) non of this is technically hard requirement unless we say so
> 2) non of this justifies the current schedule and I think there are less
> busy times when we could do mass rebuild for the reasons stated above.

ok. Fair enough. 

> BTW we were doing mass rebuild as long as I remember (over 14 years). But
> their history has started prior tools such as Koschei or MPB become
> available and where packages built by GCC were majority. The times has
> changed. Making mass rebuild less prominent (and in less busy period) would
> be next logical step.

I'd really love to hear any other folks chiming in here instead of us
going back and forth. 

I think you do make some good points. I like the idea of targeting/mini
mass rebuilds if packages can be identified. Perhaps we could move the
mass rebuild to another time, but I would need to ponder on that more.

Thanks for the discussion!


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