>>>>> "NG" == Neal Gompa <ngomp...@gmail.com> writes:

NG> As upstream for rpmlint, I do not believe anyone cares at all about
NG> rpmlint in Fedora.

We seemingly care so little for it that the rpmlint status appears on
every bodhi update.

I did spend some time trying to make rpmlint better ages ago and kind of
got blocked by the restriction that it (at the time) had to conform to
whatever RHEL4 wanted.  But that was obviously a long time ago.

NG> Until we can fail builds on rpmlint errors (as both Mageia and
NG> openSUSE do), it's pointless to consider rpmlint as something that
NG> ensures things stay clean and sane.

If you can tolerate no false positives from rpmlint then there must be a
pile of things it doesn't look at.  I always saw it as a useful advisory
tool but have difficulty imagining that you could gate off of it.

What I did was hack my local setup (which does auto-rpmlint directly
within vim) to accept magic comments to tell it to stop complaining
about certain things.  I recall suggesting that upstream a long time ago
but not having much luck.  But again, we're talking over a decade here.

 - J<
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