Hi @asafm and @emidio-cardeira thanks for your great work!

You've contributed new designs (with colors/elements/... that have not been
used) for Pulsar, which is a big step for the community.

Preiviously we've collected some rules at Pulsar Design Style Guide [1],
which are used to create illustrations in docs.

If this new look is accepted, can you document the design rules/best
practice? They should be available in the Contribution Guide [2].

In this way, other contributors can follow and create designs in high
quality and consistent style.




[2] https://pulsar.apache.org/contribute/

On Fri, Feb 24, 2023 at 5:27 AM Asaf Mesika <asaf.mes...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> PIP issue: https://github.com/apache/pulsar/issues/19611
> One of the key elements that attracted me to Pulsar was how awesome it is -
> built in 2012 yet fits the new strategy of being cloud-native - simply
> incredible. It's not only that - it has so many outstanding features,
> making it a cutting edge, modern powerhouse in the messaging system
> category.
> Yet, its site does not reflect that.
> It does the opposite.
> People new to Pulsar, not knowing it as we do in the community, would think
> it's an old, unmaintained technology, and maybe not even bother reading the
> landing page.
> This is why I embarked on a journey to improve Pulsar web-site, in bite
> sizes. My first step was improving the landing page copy for the elevator
> pitch, opening paragraph, and the feature descriptions (In this PR
> <https://github.com/apache/pulsar-site/pull/349>)
> Today, together with my friend, co-worker and designer Emidio, I would like
> to propose the second step: revamp the landing page structure and most
> importantly - the website look and feel.
> The PIP <https://github.com/apache/pulsar/issues/19611> contains:
> * The screenshots for it
> * A "live" Figma view for it
> * Detailed explanation of what was changed and why.
> I think you'll love it.
> Happy to hear your thoughts.
> Asaf Mesika

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