On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 9:45 PM, ravi kerur <rke...@gmail.com> wrote: > As mentioned earlier, in the best interest of the time(both mine and yours) > I will have to re-evaluate whether to continue working on both mpls and qinq > and get back to you. Its just not working out as I have done everything that > has been asked and what doesn't make technical sense to me I have always > resorted to discussion and giving the reasons why it is implemented that > way.
I agree that this is not working. At this point, I think this thread is probably the longest that we've ever had on the mailing list and I don't really see that we're making progress towards me being able to apply it. I hope that somebody will be able to pick up the patch in the future and use it as a starting point. _______________________________________________ dev mailing list dev@openvswitch.org http://openvswitch.org/mailman/listinfo/dev