On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 8:56 AM, ravi kerur <rke...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can you take a look at latest diffs I sent out on Tuesday? It has
> simplified ttl handling for both userspace and kernel datapath. Most
> of the logic is in ofproto-dpif.c and datapath just updates ttl in the
> packet for respective headers. This is the minimal operation any
> datapath will do irrespective of where the complexity is.

I do look at your patches, including this one.  It takes time both to
review them and to think about what direction I think it should be
going.  Please do not assume otherwise.

Your patch does not address any of the concerns that I had before.
Moving some of the logic to userspace is not helpful as long as it
still requires the original code to be present in the kernel.  It's
also not the simplest possible implementation given that I have
mentioned two potential alternatives that would entail less datapath

> Its still unclear to me why ttl operations would need packet recirculation?

I described my concerns about the different approaches here:
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