
On 2024/07/28 08:17:48 Matthias Seidel wrote:
> Hi Dick,
> Am 27.07.24 um 15:37 schrieb Dick Groskamp:
> > OK, looked into it a bit.
> >
> > >From the en-us.sdf new templates have to be created, which are then 
> > >uploaded to Pootle.
> > (This will add new strings and mark deprecated ones)
> > After that, all existing translations have to be downloaded to disk
> The translation does not need to be downloaded.
Maybe, but I didn't have the karma :-)
> > Then the downloaded translations can be updated with the new templates.
> That should happen on the Pootle server.
Well, as I understand it, that is the part that is broken :-( 
Seems that automated version could leave Pootle in a bad state
Also Pootle is still Python 2
> > One catch though:  each language has to be individually been updated.
> Of course.
> > After that has been done, syncing the updated files with Pootle is the last 
> > step.
> The last step would be to export the new translations to SDF files and 
> to merge them with our code.
> >
> > Cumbersome :-(
> Until we find someone who is willing to work on the process we are not 
> able to release 4.2.0 (after all these years).
> The PMC should stop ignoring this fact.
> Regards,
>     Matthias

I did manage to download nl and update the template with pot2po (all on my disk 

I just had a quick look at the difference between earlier SDF (2020) and the 
current one (2024)
There seems to be a difference of sixty lines (60)
Now the challenge is to find them :-)
> >
> > On 2024/07/26 15:26:49 Matthias Seidel wrote:
> >> Hi Dick,
> >>
> >> Am 26.07.24 um 16:55 schrieb Dick Groskamp:
> >>> On 2024/07/26 11:42:26 Matthias Seidel wrote:
> >>>> Hi Dick,
> >>>>
> >>>> Am 26.07.24 um 09:22 schrieb Dick Groskamp:
> >>>>> Matthias,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I picked the SDF from trunk (nl lokalize.sdf) on 24-06-2024. It is 
> >>>>> dated 20200411.
> >>>>> I think it is the most recent one.
> >>>> Yes, the "most recent one" (for NL) is 4 years old...
> >>>>> Problems I see is that they are also out of sync.
> >>>>> nl Help-files are not in sync with SDF and also not with Pootle.
> >>>> Everything is out of sync.
> >>>>> For now I fixed the discrepancies by updating the Help-files and put 
> >>>>> them into the *.jars of the nl Help on my machine.  That seems to work 
> >>>>> for now.
> >>>>> I also plan to update Pootle with the corrections. That will be a 
> >>>>> manual task I'm afraid :-)
> >>>> Translation in Pootle has always been a manual process?
> >>> Yes, but I wonder how the strings from Pootle for nl ever got in 
> >>> Helpfiles :-)
> >> The last export was done by an IBM employee in 2014.
> >>
> >> Then I spoke to Mechtilde in 2019 and she got the process running again,
> >> but everything was manually.
> >>
> >> At one point the process broke (Pootle update?) and here we are.
> >>
> >>> I have no clue at all. After that then the Helpfiles are packaged somehow 
> >>> and delivered to the download package I assume
> >>>>> Then, when translation process would work again, Pootle is in sync and 
> >>>>> updated,
> >>>>> which should deliver correct sdf.
> >>>> Whenever that will be... ;-)
> >>> I haven't seen any new strings come in the last four/five years so I can 
> >>> slowly move forwards.
> >> There were a lot of new strings in that time, but Pootle simply wasn't
> >> updated.
> >>
> >>> One example:
> >>> Image for STOP for BASIC macro  (sc_basicstop.png)
> >>> was sc_stop.png in nl Help file, showing nothing  :-(
> >> I *think* that was solved at one point, but the changes didn't make it
> >> into Pootle.
> >>
> >> But you can always try the en-US build to see the actual development...
> >>
> >> BTW, SDF for en-US is not in our source, it gets exported weekly by our
> >> buildbot:
> >>
> >>;O=D
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >>
> >>      Matthias
> >>
> >>>> Regards,
> >>>>
> >>>>       Matthias
> >>>>
> >>>>> Greetings
> >>>>>
> >>>>> On 2024/07/25 14:58:18 Matthias Seidel wrote:
> >>>>>> Hi Dick,
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Am 23.07.24 um 15:12 schrieb Dick Groskamp:
> >>>>>>> I'm currently working my way through the Helpfiles, trying to
> >>>>>>> synchronize between Pootle and the available SDF and the existing
> >>>>>>> Help-pages for Dutch.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> I noticed several discrepancies between those instances.
> >>>>>> The available SDF (which ones exactly?) are out of date.
> >>>>>>> One of the most significant is the missing translation in the SDF for
> >>>>>>> the functions UNICODE and UNICHAR,
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> that is, they are mentioned for the Help-files, but not for the UI
> >>>>>>> (there they still are UNICODE and UNICHAR)
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Would it be possible to already add the translations for these
> >>>>>>> functions, or do I have to go to all the Help-files first to get
> >>>>>>> POOTLE fully up to date?
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> It concerns just two small strings for the UI:
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> formula    source\core\resource\core_resource.src    0 string
> >>>>>>> formula    source\core\resource\core_resource.src    0 string
> >>>>>>> UNI.TEKEN
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> I've already added them to Pootle, but don't know how to get them in
> >>>>>>> the upcoming builds.
> >>>>>> *When* the translation process is working again, you will find them in
> >>>>>> AOO42X.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Regards,
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>        Matthias
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>> If they are not there, only way to use them is to use English names,
> >>>>>>> but, as you understand, that's not synchronized with Help
> >>>>>>>
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