OK, looked into it a bit.

>From the en-us.sdf new templates have to be created, which are then uploaded 
>to Pootle.
(This will add new strings and mark deprecated ones)
After that, all existing translations have to be downloaded to disk
Then the downloaded translations can be updated with the new templates.
One catch though:  each language has to be individually been updated.
After that has been done, syncing the updated files with Pootle is the last 

Cumbersome :-( 

On 2024/07/26 15:26:49 Matthias Seidel wrote:
> Hi Dick,
> Am 26.07.24 um 16:55 schrieb Dick Groskamp:
> > On 2024/07/26 11:42:26 Matthias Seidel wrote:
> >> Hi Dick,
> >>
> >> Am 26.07.24 um 09:22 schrieb Dick Groskamp:
> >>> Matthias,
> >>>
> >>> I picked the SDF from trunk (nl lokalize.sdf) on 24-06-2024. It is dated 
> >>> 20200411.
> >>> I think it is the most recent one.
> >> Yes, the "most recent one" (for NL) is 4 years old...
> >>> Problems I see is that they are also out of sync.
> >>> nl Help-files are not in sync with SDF and also not with Pootle.
> >> Everything is out of sync.
> >>> For now I fixed the discrepancies by updating the Help-files and put them 
> >>> into the *.jars of the nl Help on my machine.  That seems to work for now.
> >>> I also plan to update Pootle with the corrections. That will be a manual 
> >>> task I'm afraid :-)
> >> Translation in Pootle has always been a manual process?
> > Yes, but I wonder how the strings from Pootle for nl ever got in Helpfiles 
> > :-)
> The last export was done by an IBM employee in 2014.
> Then I spoke to Mechtilde in 2019 and she got the process running again, 
> but everything was manually.
> At one point the process broke (Pootle update?) and here we are.
> > I have no clue at all. After that then the Helpfiles are packaged somehow 
> > and delivered to the download package I assume
> >>> Then, when translation process would work again, Pootle is in sync and 
> >>> updated,
> >>> which should deliver correct sdf.
> >> Whenever that will be... ;-)
> > I haven't seen any new strings come in the last four/five years so I can 
> > slowly move forwards.
> There were a lot of new strings in that time, but Pootle simply wasn't 
> updated.
> >
> > One example:
> > Image for STOP for BASIC macro  (sc_basicstop.png)
> > was sc_stop.png in nl Help file, showing nothing  :-(
> I *think* that was solved at one point, but the changes didn't make it 
> into Pootle.
> But you can always try the en-US build to see the actual development...
> BTW, SDF for en-US is not in our source, it gets exported weekly by our 
> buildbot:
> https://nightlies.apache.org/openoffice/install/linsnap-42x/?C=M;O=D
> Regards,
>     Matthias
> >> Regards,
> >>
> >>      Matthias
> >>
> >>> Greetings
> >>>
> >>> On 2024/07/25 14:58:18 Matthias Seidel wrote:
> >>>> Hi Dick,
> >>>>
> >>>> Am 23.07.24 um 15:12 schrieb Dick Groskamp:
> >>>>> I'm currently working my way through the Helpfiles, trying to
> >>>>> synchronize between Pootle and the available SDF and the existing
> >>>>> Help-pages for Dutch.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I noticed several discrepancies between those instances.
> >>>> The available SDF (which ones exactly?) are out of date.
> >>>>> One of the most significant is the missing translation in the SDF for
> >>>>> the functions UNICODE and UNICHAR,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> that is, they are mentioned for the Help-files, but not for the UI
> >>>>> (there they still are UNICODE and UNICHAR)
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Would it be possible to already add the translations for these
> >>>>> functions, or do I have to go to all the Help-files first to get
> >>>>> POOTLE fully up to date?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> It concerns just two small strings for the UI:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> formula    source\core\resource\core_resource.src    0 string
> >>>>> formula    source\core\resource\core_resource.src    0 string
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I've already added them to Pootle, but don't know how to get them in
> >>>>> the upcoming builds.
> >>>> *When* the translation process is working again, you will find them in
> >>>> AOO42X.
> >>>>
> >>>> Regards,
> >>>>
> >>>>       Matthias
> >>>>
> >>>>> If they are not there, only way to use them is to use English names,
> >>>>> but, as you understand, that's not synchronized with Help
> >>>>>
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