Thanks Andrea,

I am missing context.  Where are you seeing this information and where do you 
propose to submit the updates?

I have no problem with the proposed changes.  Just want to know where they go.

Is it meaningful to report that the default and recommended outputs are 
Extended ODF 1.2 documents (i.e., not "strict" as some want, and not 
automatically interoperable)?

 - Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrea Pescetti [] 
Sent: Saturday, September 5, 2015 03:49
Subject: Re: ODF Plugfest: participation and leaflets

[ ... ]

So, coming to item 2: I'm still hopeful we can provide up-to-date data 
about OpenOffice. You can find below what is needed, what is currently 
there and what I propose we send them (which I will have to do on 
Tuesday morning European time; if someone else takes care of it I'll be 

NEEDED           CURRENT                      PROPOSED
Software (name)  Apache Open Office           Apache OpenOffice
License          Open Source                  Open Source (ALv2)
Formats          All                          (no changes) [1]
Platforms        (empty)                      Windows, OS X, Linux, 
third-party ports to Android, FreeBSD, OS/2
Support          Community                    (no changes) [2]
Link      (no changes)
Notes            (empty)                      (empty)

[1]: Formats are the ODF file extensions, not the non-ODF file types.
[2]: Here the choice is between Community and Commercial.

Can we at least agree on this basic information for the "Applications" 
sections, which is what they need most?


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