> On 07 Sep 15, at 12:09, Roberto Galoppini <roberto.galopp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Agreed, and I'm really sorry I couldn't make it. In future we might want to
> have a small team of people who knows how ODF Plugfests work and are
> willing to attend, give a speech and run tests. I believe we need all these
> three pieces to make our participation meaningful.

Yes. I suggested that when Andrea mentioned it. Ecce :

> This is what we should learn—some suggested guidelines:
> * ODF Plugfests are something we care about and deem important.
> * If community members are able and willing to present at and thus represent 
> AOO at ODf Plugfests, then they should list themselves on a wiki devoted to 
> this and also make sure that they post to the dev@aoo mail list their 
> interest and ability in representing AOO at the plugfest. 
> * If they need money to attend, let us all know on the dev@aoo list.
> * If they cannot make it and if it seems as if no one can make it, 
> yikes—maybe.
> * collateral material (eg, leaflets), etc. can be produced using our funds 
> but we all need to know of this need and it must sit within our broader 
> mandate as part of ASF as well as any local need. 
> These guidelines represent an effort to make visible what is probably already 
> codified and also practiced. There are events, ongoing processes (like the 
> ODF plugfests) that affect us (as a larger community) and in which I think we 
> have an interest. The ODF plugfest is, however, just one instance; there are 
> others, I have no doubt. 
> The guidelines are intended to make it easier for us to track such interests. 
> Of course, we’ve done this all before, and there’s no harm in importing what 
> has worked before.

(Note, those of us with long standing in this project, and I count among them 
Andrea, Roberto, me, plus many others, may be forgiven moments of déjà vu, the 
sense that, "Haven’t we done this before? Solved that? Written the wikis, the 
guidelines? Established best practices?" To which, one can answer, Yes. Now 
let’s do it again.)

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