Thanks, Stuart.
To be clear, I was not thinking of direct participation but something simple to 
be used in providing the “ODF in the marketplace” session with some useful 
self-explanatory data from the Apache OpenOffice Project.
In any case, I doubt there is something that could be done in this short time 
window.  I am thinking it would be something useful for the project to track 
and report on a quarterly basis, if feasible.
-   Dennis
From: Stuart J Mackintosh [] 
Sent: Monday, September 7, 2015 10:35
Cc:; Graham Taylor <>; 
'Andrea Pescetti' <>; Basil Cousins 
Subject: Re: ODF Plugfest: participation and leaflets

Thank you for supporting this initiative and providing the response from the 
AOO community. I will include the AOO entry in the Application Choices table as 

Should AOO choose to feature as a sponsor for 100GBP per language (English & 
Dutch), you will need to let Basil know by 14:00 GMT in order that the design 
can be updated.

Your participation would be welcome if it can be arranged, but fully understand 
if it cannot due to the short notice on this occasion. For future ODF 
Plugfests, we will try to provide sufficient notice for you to debate and 
prepare in good time. 

Best regards,

>From the Chair,
Stuart, thank you for your patience and keeping the AOO community tied into the 
planning for the ODF Plugfest and preparation of the booklet.
It appears that the “Application Choices” convergence achieved with the 
suggestions from Andrea Pescetti is quite satisfactory.  There have been no 
objections whatsoever.
I appreciate that it is already evening where you are.  The deadline for 
committing to booklet design will be early tomorrow for some of us, so I want 
to summarize where we stand.
There is a simple consensus process for deliberation on travel funds, agreement 
to provide a sponsorship, and so on.  
Although it was suggested that a proposal be deliberated on, it seems to have 
been a non-starter.  I think it’s safe to say that we will not be requesting 
presentation as a sponsor for the booklet.  If that changes in the few hours 
remaining, I will let you know as soon as anything to the contrary comes to my 
attention (at UTC-0700).
Finally, the Plugfest is only 7 days ahead of us.  It might be possible to have 
a few slides on “ODF in the Apache OpenOffice Marketplace” for the Tuesday, 
2015-09-15 session on “ODF in the market place.”  This has prompted 
barely-tentative discussion here.  Again, there has not been much headway.  It 
is definitely something for the project to look into. I am not certain what 
kind of findings can be provided at this point; having anything for the 
Plugfest seems doubtful.  The topic is still open though.
-   Dennis
[ … ]

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