On 04-Dec-2013, at 13:19, Kay Schenk <kay.sch...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 2:02 AM, Jörg Schmidt <joe...@j-m-schmidt.de> wrote:
>>> From: Jürgen Schmidt [mailto:jogischm...@gmail.com]
>>> I have no problem to make this more public. If LO want to be
>>> independent
>>> they should not use our package names, binary names etc.
>> in fact, so you're absolutely right. I am a normal Linux user and the
>> situation on Linux is extremely confusing.
>> But what can we do? I think here are problems that need to be resolved
>> legally.
>> Greetings,
>> Jörg
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> One of the "confusing" issues comes from LO's continued use of "soffice" as
> the launchpad binary. We've been down this road  before  to no avail.
> See, for example --
> http://www.libreoffice.org/developers/
> On SOME distros who handle this a little better/politely, the LO  binary
> has been renamed to "libreoffice", and  a symlink from "soffice" to
> libreoffice (/usr/bin/libreoffice --a custom packaging  ) is supplied which
> can easily be removed.
> bottom line -- even if we are successful in getting AOO into some
> repositories, how to deal with this naming clash.
> Maybe someone who has downloaded LO packages directly from their site can
> provide more information.

When was the last time we actually contacted one of the people at LO who can 
effect a change or at least diminish the confusion? I mean, it's silly to have 
the legacy identity and suggests either a rather tired play at the "real" 
soffice or laziness. Yes, we could change our package name but…. not only do we 
have a large installed base but also legacy, copyright, and actual growth. 

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