On 3 December 2013 21:30, Andrea Pescetti <pesce...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 01/12/2013 Rob Weir wrote:
>> On Sun, Dec 1, 2013 at 9:53 AM, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
>>> It is natural that private or public entities considering a migration
>>> will
>>> have their established consultants and ask them. But we should have
>>> enough
>>> "official" information available to anybody who is considering a
>>> migration.
>> So the fact that migrations are occurring without contacting the
>> project is a positive sign that the publicly available information, on
>> the website and wiki, is sufficient, yes?
> Interesting interpretation! Well, maybe it's true, but then I wonder why I
> still see the occasional blog post or technology news assuming that
> OpenOffice is dead.
> But you may be right: indeed, if one makes the small effort to open the
> official home page (search engines lead you to obsolete pages at times for
> specific queries, but the homepage is OK) it's very clear to see that
> OpenOffice is quite active.
> So I wonder if the reason could be that these bloggers/experts do not even
> search for information. In that case, I don't think we can do much more.
>  Small open source conferences can be
>> fun, I'm sure.  But are we really introducing OpenOffice to new
>> people?  Or are we "preaching to the choir"?   Is this really the way
>> to reach the 70% of computer users who have never heard of OpenOffice?
> I'm more interested in decision makers, at any level. For sure attending
> local events won't spread awareness, but we have other channels for that.
> But a small migration to OpenOffice is often done following word of mouth,
> and influencers are often Linux users who have seen OpenOffice disappear. I
> would like them to be properly informed.
> Getting OpenOffice back into distributions would be good to that aim.
> Unfortunately, policy is rather complex and is the main obstacle (meaning
> that a lot of work is needed and that our resources are currently focused
> elsewhere).

Since I am one of those thinking (and not only thinking) about renewing our
build system, it would be interesting to see these policies.

I have (for ubuntu) tried to read through the policies which was a

If somebody can point at something specific, like a bullet-list or how-to
for the distros we want be in, I would be happy to at least read through
it, and see how it could be fitted.

jan I.

> Regards,
>   Andrea.
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