I found hash_set in ../main/stlport/systemstl 

Is that where it is supposed to be. Once, I added this to my SOLARINC and 
SOLARINV environment variables, everything was okay, but then I received a

"/usr/local/include/boost/tr1/detail/config_all.hpp", line 161: Error: Could 
not open include file<../include/utility>

From: Herbert Dürr [h...@apache.org]
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 3:44 AM
To: dev@openoffice.apache.org
Cc: Steele, Raymond
Subject: Re: EXTERNAL: Re: Building comphelper

Hi Raymond,

On 16.09.2013 22:04, Steele, Raymond wrote:
> I was wrong I thought the I set the --without-stlport flag, but did not. I 
> just set it and reconfigured.  Now I am receiving this.
> Entering /opt/aoo-4.0.0/main/sal/rtl/source
> Compiling: sal/rtl/source/hash.cxx
> "/opt/aoo-4.0.0/main/sal/rtl/source/hash.cxx", line 32: Error: Could not open 
> include file<hash_set>.

This missing file (hash_set) should be in
as soon as the module main/stlport was built. What are the include paths
(the "-Ixxx" options) for hash.cxx when when you build with the
"verbose=true" build option?


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