On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 9:59 AM, Jörg Schmidt <joe...@j-m-schmidt.de> wrote:
> Hello,
>> From: Rob Weir [mailto:robw...@apache.org]
>> > What is the problem?
>> >
>> The CD is not from the Apache OpenOffice project.  It was not reviewed
>> and approved for release by the project.  It is a 3rd party product.
>> The website says it is from "Verein Freies Office Deutschland e.V..":
> No, this is absolutely *not* true!
> The "Verein Freies Office Deutschland e.V.." is NOT the creator of the 
> PrOOo-box, but that's us (Detlef, Jan and I) three members of the 
> AOO-Community in Germany.
> You can see my entry here:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Directory+of+Volunteers
> and I can gladly Jan and Detlef ask to register there.

I know who you are.  That is not the issue here.

> The "Verein Freies Office Deutschland e.V. is the *only* one who pays us the 
> hosting of the Box (850 euros per year).
> *We would be pleased if the Apache paid. Apache wants to do that?*
>> But these are still 3rd party distributions.
> No, this is the Box of german Members of the AOO-Community!

And "Members of the AOO-Community" are not the same as the "Apache
OpenOffice project".  So they are third parties.  Otherwise we run
into absurdities, like "Members of IBM" (who are also member of the
project) getting together asking to host links to Symphony on the
www.openoffice.org homepage.

> But that is not the problem, because the question is a Others, namely how we 
> can make local work on AOO when we can not even provide information users 
> need?
> A notice in a news-teaser is anyway only a temporary entry. What is the 
> problem?

I'm sorry what I said was not clear.  Maybe someone else can explain it better.

> Rob, you have, tell me here on the list, the following:
> * it's okay to get involved locally for AOO and Apache welcomes such 
> activities
> * I should self make a choice
> However, I live in Germany, and here I know the OpenOffice users for more 
> than 8 years, and I know what users need for assistance.
> And we all have to do something otherwise AOO lost in Germany. Sorry, but 
> that *is* the truth.

This is all fine.  We just need to be clear what is a product of
Apache, and what is done by 3rd parties, even 3rd parties who are also
members of the project.  And for 3rd parties we must treat their
products specially.    And one area we need to be careful about is how
we advertise 3rd party products on the website.

>> So we are fair and we don't give special prominence to any single 3rd
>> party distribution.
> But that is *not* what is needed.
> There shall be *no* permanent link, but only a *temporary* news-teaser. This 
> teaser is automatically replaced by someone else, as soon as there are new 
> news.
> What is the problem?

Advertising 3rd party products on the homepage.


> Greetings,
> Jörg
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