On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 3:34 AM, Jörg Schmidt <joe...@j-m-schmidt.de> wrote:
> Hello Rob,
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Rob Weir [mailto:robw...@apache.org]
>> Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 7:28 PM
>> To: dev@openoffice.apache.org; Jörg Schmidt
>> Subject: Re: Can somebody please commit the update of the de-websites
>> On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 2:41 AM, Jörg Schmidt
>> <joe...@j-m-schmidt.de> wrote:
>> > Hello,
>> >
>> > So far we had no one who takes care of updating the web
>> pages in the German community.
>> > Meanwhile, a new volunteer has, with Piotr, found that
>> makes this work. However, Piotr needs help commit himself so
>> far that he is not a committer.
>> >
>> There was a discussion on this patch on the dev list.  I would have
>> cc'de Piotr but he didn't put his full name or contact information in
>> the patch comment.
> Piotr I will say that he should imagine on the dev list.
> Ok?


>> There was a concern over the link to the PrOOo-Box website.   Some of
>> us (including me) were concerned about putting advertisements like
>> that on an NL homepage.  As a non-profit we need to be fair and not
>> promote one 3rd party over another.
> Rob, that's not to understand the PrOOo box is the OpenOffice CD of the 
> German community for over 8 years. The deutschgen users know this CD.
> Always all content and changes in PrOOo box in the community were discussed, 
> the content of PrOOo of the community always was approved.
> We are also very happy to have taken into account all information of Apache, 
> for example, currently a request by Andrea Pescetti and tradema...@apache.org.

This isn't a trademark issue.

> What is the problem?

The CD is not from the Apache OpenOffice project.  It was not reviewed
and approved for release by the project.  It is a 3rd party product.
The website says it is from "Verein Freies Office Deutschland e.V..":


Of course, this doesn't mean it is a bad thing.  Personally I think it
is wonderful that this exists.  Just like I'm happy to see winPenPack
version of AOO.  But these are still 3rd party distributions.

And since they are third party distributions, from other
organizations, we need to be careful in how we refer to them on our
website.  The practice we've adopted for this is to list such
distributions (and ports) on a special page:


The ensures fairness.  Everyone wants placement on the front page of
the website.  We get requests (to the private list) from companies on
a regular basis begging us to "partner" with them and looking for a
mention on the website.  We refuse them every time.

So a good solution would be to have a page that mentions all 3rd party
distributions of AOO and has a disclaimer like we have on the /porting

"The following list of third-party party ports and distributions is
made available as a service to the community. The Apache OpenOffice
project does not officially endorse or maintain these packages"

So we are fair and we don't give special prominence to any single 3rd
party distribution.  We don't have favorites or "special relations"
with 3rd parties.

But once we have a page that lists all 3rd party distributions, then
we can promote that page on the home page.

Another solution would be to create the CD (the ISO image) as an
official publication of the project, and have it be reviewed and
approved by the PMC.  That would require additional work, reviewing
the license and notice of the additional material, checking in the
source of the artwork, etc.  But if approved for release it would get
far greater attention, and could be linked to right from our main
download page.

> Where is _this_ discussion? I could not find anything.
> AND let me say clearly, there is no special link to PrOOo box, there is only 
> one news-Note!
> AND ...
> there are MANY, MANY other links to external resources [1], how else should 
> do the website?
> The PrOOo box is essential for us in Germany, without the PrOOo box, we can 
> not effectively work for end-users because they expect to make a full CD, 
> created by project members.
> [1]
> for example:
> http://www.openoffice.org/de/foren.html

This isn't the de homepage.  Material on the homepage has special
prominence and is seen as being official.

> and the majority of these links is NOT run by project members - the 
> PrOOo-box, however, is made for more than 8 years of project members from 
> OpenOffice, in the past by members of OOo and current members of the German 
> AOO community!

winPenPack is old 8 years old.  But we do not link to it from our homepage.

In any case I hope the issue is clear here and no one turns this into
another "Rob is oppressing the masses" argument.



>> I understand enough German to review patches for the de NL page, but
>> it would be better, of course, to have a native speaker.
> That's a good idea, I will contact you directly Oliver.
> (I had hoped would help the Raphael, which was also the suggestion of Marcus 
> (on the German list), but unfortunately, Raphael seems to have no interest.)
> Greetings,
> Jörg
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