Hi Fernand,
On 23.11.2012 16:23, Fernand Vanrie wrote:
Hallo Armin ,
Hi Fernand,
On 22.11.2012 18:38, Fernand Vanrie wrote:
Armin ,
Hi Fernand,
On 15.11.2012 09:34, Fernand Vanrie wrote:
Alexandro ,
Draw is a perfect Desktop publisher, is so perfect is compatible
with other
We uses exclusifly Writer (+ lot of basic macro's) to make over
8.000 full color magazine pages par year. This pages are all i2
languages versions, with cutouts (we uses Edit Contour)
transparancies etc...)
Our Editors places lowres images "embedded" in there documents, a
final macro checks the resolution quality and changes the lowres
with the highres (stored on a server) just before exporting to PDF
Sinds there is SVG, we no longer use EPS and "Adobe" to make our
PDF's. PostScript is dead anyhow (lack of transparency) the LO/OO-
PDF export is with use off a Lanczos filter nearly perfect.
We only needs a "payed" Color Server to transfer our RGB PDF's to
Our magazines are printed by different print houses (15.000-3.000
exp.) on high quality paper, there are no complaints from our
printers and the readers can not sea the difference between our
Magazines an thus maded by payed DTP applications
Just a pitty thats SVG is still exported as bitmap
Which export are you talking about? To ODF (save) or PDF (or
something else)...?
This would be very interesting to me :-)
when making a PDF, save as or something else there is no
difference... sinds 3.3 SVG are plased in the PDF as bitmaps there
is a well documented LO issue
<https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=42092> 42092.
I do not know for LO, but for AOO since 3.4 we have that new SVG
import I wrote which luckily will be in LO soon (see
It's a high-quality SVG import and the original SVGs are saved in
ODF. I just tried with Tux.svg and AOO3.4 (and 3.4.1) export as
vector data to PDF. It also gets printed that way. One caveat here:
Currently the SVGs are converted to SVM (StarViewMetafile), same as
when using 'convert to metafile' in the context menu on the SVG
graphic object in edit view. This may loose some quality in some
cases, I'm working on changing this to real B2DPrinitives usages in
the PDF exporter.
I'm also working on things like having any graphic (including SVG) as
fill style for graphic objects, also with full export quality. I'll
be on Fosdem, I can show you this things in the current AOO version
if you like...
Maybe you can also implement PDF as a graphic format , like we can
place jpg, ..... in the OO docs ?
Not sure what you mean here... jpg could always be added to ODF.
As many users, we are switching forward an backwards from OO to LO ,
for the moment we uses LO because off better PDF-export (Lanczos filter).
Good news: I have added Lanzcos (in an extended version) to AOO some
weeks ago. The original author sent me the code which he used for LO,
and I extended and integrated it. See task #121233#
(https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=121233) for details.
Thanks to Tomaž for the original code. That's what all developers truly
interested in all OOO derivates should do - contribute to both projects.
See my blog post (link already in one of the last eMails) to more about
this and in which direction the code flows.
Surly we hopes that in de near future we can find al the best off both
in one :-)
Yes, again, read the blog. We are already working together (seen from
AOO side at least).
I comes to Fosdem and will be more than happy to discover all the new
Okay, looking forward to see You :-)
there is also work around
- open the SVG in Draw and then copy to Writer (gives a internall LO
- When xeporting to a specific PDF format (Tagged or PDF A/1a then
we have a high resolution bitmap who can replace the vector data
(sould been repaired in 3.7) and PDF is still not a accepted as a
graphic format like we can use (Tiff, jpg, etc...)