
Maybe 1 machine has a MS office package for the "unsalvable problems" the 99 others have Windows with LO ,OO, Thunderbird, Inkscape, Gimp, Image Magick and a free Adobe PDF reader

We can read and write MS text and spreadsheets, in the "editing world" PDF is the exchange format by exelence. (For that reason PDF must been a graphic format in LO and LO :-)

Maybe you comes to Fosdem in Brussels, we would be happy to invite you to show on the work floor how is works here


Hi Fernand,

I would love to read a more detailed public success story about your experience 
and work with writer. It sounds very interesting especially when you stay in 
one world, means no heavy exchange of MS formats.

Thanks for sharing


Am Donnerstag, 15. November 2012 um 09:34 schrieb Fernand Vanrie:
Alexandro ,

On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 11:24 PM, Phillip Zadro

hi Is there any likelihood that OpenOffice will one day include a desktop
publisher? There is only one thing that is stopping me from migrating
completely from Microsoft Office to either OpenOffice or LibreOffice and it
is their lack of a Desktop Publisher comparable with MS Publisher. I have
used Publisher for over 15 years and love its practicality, particularly
with paginating of booklets. Even a separate program like Serif PagePlus
cannot save in MS format either, so I am obliged to stay with MS Office.
Pity.. Thanks Phil

Draw is a perfect Desktop publisher, is so perfect is compatible with other
We uses exclusifly Writer (+ lot of basic macro's) to make over 8.000
full color magazine pages par year. This pages are all i2 languages
versions, with cutouts (we uses Edit Contour) transparancies etc...)
Our Editors places lowres images "embedded" in there documents, a final
macro checks the resolution quality and changes the lowres with the
highres (stored on a server) just before exporting to PDF
Sinds there is SVG, we no longer use EPS and "Adobe" to make our PDF's.
PostScript is dead anyhow (lack of transparency) the LO/OO- PDF export
is with use off a Lanczos filter nearly perfect.
We only needs a "payed" Color Server to transfer our RGB PDF's to CMYK
Our magazines are printed by different print houses (15.000-3.000 exp.)
on high quality paper, there are no complaints from our printers and the
readers can not sea the difference between our Magazines an thus maded
by payed DTP applications
Just a pitty thats SVG is still exported as bitmap (sould been repaired
in 3.7) and PDF is still not a accepted as a graphic format like we can
use (Tiff, jpg, etc...)


desktop publishers like Scribus and is based on a frame based paradigm.
There are some features that would be desirable but is pretty easy to
complete basic and medium tasks like Flyers, Booklets and all it has layers
which keeps design separated from content. And have multiple layouts and
use of vectorial forms.

With improved use of SVG Draw is also gaining strenght in the area of
design compatibility and would be improving as more features are considered.

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