Hi David,

Thanks for the review and suggestion! I would like to get this in AK 4.0 as 
well. I will do my best.


DJ2: I prefer to follow current missing column value “-“. (reference 


For assignment value, it follows current output (reference 
 I think the form of `topicid-partitionid` is more clear.
If we would like to use this form, I will update both output in 
kafka-consumer-groups.sh and kafka-share-groups.sh.

DJ4: It looks like DescribeGroupsResponseData only has protocol type at group 
Both DescribeGroupsResponseData and ConsumerGroupDescribeResponseData don’t 
have protocol at member level.
Could we use a followup to add it?



> On Nov 14, 2024, at 3:43 PM, David Jacot <dja...@confluent.io.INVALID> wrote:
> Hi PoAn,
> Thanks for the KIP! I have a few minor comments/suggestions:
> DJ1: In the output of `--describe --verbose`, I would suggest putting
> DJ2: Continuing on the above, I assume that we will print out N/A for the
> fields not supported by classic groups. Is this correct?
> DJ3: In the output of `--describe --members --verbose`, I wonder if we
> should use the following order and terms: CURRENT-EPOCH CURRENT-ASSIGNMENT
> TARGET-EPOCH TARGET-ASSIGNMENT . I would remove the GROUP-EPOCH because it
> is already in the group description. The value `(0)` used for the
> assignment is incorrect. Here I suppose that we will print out the list of
> partitions in the form of `topicid-partitionid`.
> DJ4: Continuing on the above, I wonder if we should also add the protocol
> used `classic` or `consumer`. For context, it is possible to have `classic`
> members and `consumer` members in a `consumer` group during an online
> upgrade from the classic protocol to the consumer protocol. Having this
> information may be handy for administrators. What do you think?
> DJ5: In the output of `--describe --offsets --verbose`, I would suggest
> putting `LEADER-EPOCH` closer to `CURRENT-OFFSET`.
> It would be great if we could get this one in AK 4.0 as it changes the
> output of the command.
> Thanks,
> DJ
> On Fri, Nov 1, 2024 at 7:40 AM Frank Yang <yangp...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Sean / Andrew / Lianet,
>> Thanks for all your review and suggestions.
>> AS1, LM1, LM4: Change to add KIP-848 information when users give —verbose
>> option.
>> —describe —verbose: shows group epoch and target assignment epoch.
>> —describe —members —verbose: shows above information, member epoch, and
>> target assignment.
>> AS2: Change to use MEMBER-EPOCH to align with KIP-848 definition.
>> LM2: For classic group, it doesn’t have epoch, so I use Optional fields in
>> ConsumerGroupDescription.
>> For share group, it relies on KIP-848. It must have epoch, so I use int
>> fields in ShareGroupDescription.
>> LM3: Remove —state change. We can get group level information by —describe
>> —verbose.
>> SQ1: Add LEADER-EPOCH when users give —describe —offsets —verbose.
>> Thanks.
>> PoAn
>>> On Nov 1, 2024, at 5:08 AM, Lianet M. <liane...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello Frank, thanks for the KIP! A few comments:
>>> LM1. I strongly agree with Andrew's suggestion of moving this into a
>>> --verbose option. I expect someone would only attempt to make sense of
>> the
>>> epochs while debugging an issue, not while trying to view the group or
>>> member's info. (Also member-epoch makes more sense to me, even more if we
>>> end up agreeing in a --verbose). Related to both issues, my take is that
>>> whoever is close to the protocol will expect member-epoch, whoever is not
>>> will probably won't even need to see the epochs at all.
>>> LM2. Why are the epochs defined as Optional (don't we expect to always
>> have
>>> them? with 0 initially, defined on the broker side for the group ones,
>> and
>>> client side for the member)
>>> LM3. Why is the KIP including the –state option in the proposed changes?
>> (
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=327977411#KIP1099:Extendkafkaconsumergroupscommandlinetooltosupportnewconsumergroup---state
>>> ).
>>> I get that the output would change in that example, but it’s not because
>> of
>>> any change to the –state option itself. It's because of the change
>> proposed
>>> to the –described (required with the --state), and the changes to
>>> --describe are already explained above (seems confusing, got me looking
>> for
>>> a change to the state filter which seemed unrelated).
>>> LM4. Group epoch and target assignment epoch are conceptually at the
>> group
>>> level. vs member epoch that lands at a member level. So wonder if we
>> should
>>> show them accordingly (ex. using the --verbose option)
>>> –describe –verbose => shows group epoch and target assignment epoch
>>>               –describe –members –verbose => shows member epoch (along
>>> with group epoch and target assignment epoch)
>>> Thanks!
>>> Lianet
>>> On Thu, Oct 31, 2024 at 7:30 AM Andrew Schofield <
>>> andrew_schofield_j...@outlook.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi PoAn,
>>>> Thanks for the KIP. I have a few comments.
>>>> AS1: It seems to me that these new additions are most useful to people
>>>> trying to understand
>>>> the progress of rebalancing in quite some detail. The information is
>>>> really not understandable
>>>> for most users who do not have deep knowledge of KIP-848/932.
>>>> As a result, I suggest for kafka-share-groups.sh that you add a
>> --members
>>>> --verbose option
>>>> and only include the new information in the output for that option,
>> rather
>>>> than changing the
>>>> non-verbose --members output.
>>>> I also make a similar suggestion for kafka-consumer-groups.sh --members
>>>> and only add the
>>>> new information for the --verbose output.
>>>> AS2: I strongly suggest that you use MEMBER-EPOCH instead of
>>>> I think it's more confusing not following the terminology of the KIPs.
>> For
>>>> one thing,
>>>> we already have "member" in the admin client such as MemberDescription.
>>>> It's not a
>>>> new term.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Andrew
>>>> ________________________________________
>>>> From: PoAn Yang <pay...@apache.org>
>>>> Sent: 25 October 2024 13:55
>>>> To: dev@kafka.apache.org <dev@kafka.apache.org>
>>>> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-1099: Extend kafka-consumer-groups command
>> line
>>>> tool to support new consumer group
>>>> Hi Lucas,
>>>> Thanks for the review!
>>>> 1) Yes, I add related change for kafka-share-groups.sh to the KIP. Could
>>>> you take a look? Thanks for the suggestion.
>>>> 2) We use CONSUMER-ID as member ID. If we use MEMBER-EPOCH here, users
>> may
>>>> confuse what is different between CONSUMER and MEMBER.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> PoAn
>>>> On 2024/10/23 13:28:17 Lucas Brutschy wrote:
>>>>> Hi Frank,
>>>>> thanks for the KIP!
>>>>> 1) For consistency, should we do the same for
>>>>> kafka-share-groups.sh, ShareGroupDescription, etc. ? Even if we do not
>>>>> implement it right now if the share group implementation may still be
>>>>> incomplete, it may make sense to include it in the KIP.
>>>>> 2) Why call it CONSUMER-EPOCH, not MEMBER-EPOCH? That would seem more
>>>>> consistent.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Lucas
>>>>> On Wed, Oct 23, 2024 at 2:41 PM Frank Yang <yangp...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> I would like to kick off the discussion of KIP-1099. This KIP enhances
>>>> the
>>>>>> kafka-consumer-groups tools to include state which is introduced by
>>>> KIP-848.
>>>>>> KIP-1099: Extend kafka-consumer-groups command line tool to support
>> new
>>>>>> consumer group - Apache Kafka - Apache Software Foundation
>>>>>> <
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1099%3A+Extend+kafka-consumer-groups+command+line+tool+to+support+new+consumer+group
>>>>>> cwiki.apache.org
>>>>>> <
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1099%3A+Extend+kafka-consumer-groups+command+line+tool+to+support+new+consumer+group
>>>>>> [image: favicon.ico]
>>>>>> <
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1099%3A+Extend+kafka-consumer-groups+command+line+tool+to+support+new+consumer+group
>>>>>> <
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1099%3A+Extend+kafka-consumer-groups+command+line+tool+to+support+new+consumer+group
>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>> PoAn

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