Just a heads up, but I believe this PR
<https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/11504> (
https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/11504) that was added to the 1.7.1
introduced a breaking change for anyone previously supporting ADLSFileIO /
credentials with sasTokens. I added some details in the PR comments, but
will also provide those details here as well since the PR is closed.

On initialization of ADLSFileIO, AzureProperties is created and builds a
map of account -> sasToken here when you create ADLSFileIO using
adls.sas-token. as the credential mechanism.

Prior to this change, the account passed in here
is used to lookup the sasToken from the map mentioned above) was parsed to
include .dfs.core.windows.net so when generating the adls.sas-token. property
to pass into ADLSFileIO, you needed to include .dfs.core.windows.net as
part of the adls.sas-token. property name. After this change, we are
parsing the ADLSLocation account to NOT include adls.sas-token., so now the
sasToken lookup from the map doesn't find the sasToken. When someone
updates to 1.7.1, they will/would also need to update how they are
configuring / building the ADLSFileIO properties when using sasTokens.


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