Benny, "Iceberg View Spec Improvements" includes documenting what is supported and what is not. You listed a few restrictions. Many of them are not documented on the current spec. Documenting them is what this thread is about. We are trying to reach a consensus on the necessary constraints (so we are not over- or under-restricting).
Russell, I think what you stated is a version of the restrictions. From my point of view, the list of the necessary restrictions are: * Engines must share the same default catalog names, ensuring that partially specified SQL identifiers with catalog omitted are resolved to the same fully specified SQL identifier across all engines. * Engines must share the same default namespaces, ensuring that SQL identifiers without catalog and namespace are resolved to the same fully specified SQL identifier across all engines. * All engines must resolve a fully specified SQL identifier to the same storage table in the same storage catalog. Please let me know if this aligns with what you stated. Thanks, Walaa.