I still have an issue with representations not having explicit ways of
incorporating the catalog name, I'm thinking about our potential future
situation where we want to return a view for Fine Grained Access policies.
In that case won't the Catalog need to craft a representation that matches
the configuration of the engine? Doesn't this mean the client will have to
tell the Catalog what its local name is?

On Thu, Oct 10, 2024 at 5:34 PM Daniel Weeks <dwe...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hey Walaa,
> I recognize the issue you're calling out but disagree there is an implicit
> assumption in the spec.  The spec clearly says how identifiers including
> catalogs and namespaces are represented/stored and how references need to
> be resolved.  The idea that a catalog may not match is an
> environmental/infrastructure/configuration issue related to where they are
> being referenced from.
> If we think this is sufficiently confusing to people, I would be open to
> discussing an "unsupported configurations" callout, but I don't think this
> blocks work and am somewhat skeptical that it's necessary.
> -Dan
> On Thu, Oct 10, 2024 at 2:47 PM Walaa Eldin Moustafa <
> wa.moust...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Dan,
>> I think there are a few questions that we should solve to decide the path
>> forward:
>> ** Does the current spec contain implicit assumptions?*
>> I think the answer is yes. I think this is also what Ryan indicated here
>> [1].
>> ** Do these implicit assumptions make it difficult to adopt the spec or
>> evolve it in the correct way?*
>> I think the answer is yes as well. MV design discussions became quite
>> complicated because most contributors had a different understanding of the
>> spec compared to what it encodes as implicit assumptions (see this thread
>> for an example [2] -- there are a few more). This unaligned understanding
>> could possibly lead to inaccurate designs and potentially result in
>> unneeded further constraints or unneeded engineering complexity.
>> ** What are the implicit assumptions (in an ambiguous way)?*
>> I do not think the answer is clear to everyone, even at this point. There
>> have been a few variations of those assumptions in this thread alone. I
>> think we should converge on a clear set of assumptions for everyone's
>> consumption.
>> ** Should we add the assumptions explicitly to the spec?*
>> I think we definitely should. Adoption or extension of the spec will be
>> quite difficult if the assumptions are not clearly stated and are
>> interpreted differently by different contributors.
>> Would be great to hear the community's feedback on whether they agree
>> with the answers to the above questions.
>> [1] https://lists.apache.org/thread/s1hjnc163ny76smv2l0t2sxxn93s4595
>> [2] https://lists.apache.org/thread/0wzowd15328rnwvotzcoo4jrdyrzlx91
>> Thanks,
>> Walaa.

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