Hey everyone,

Thanks for voting! The 72 hours have passed, and a minimum of 3 binding
votes have been cast:

+1 Xuanwo (non-binding)
+1 Jan Kaul (non-binding)
+1 NOTME ZE (non-binding)
+1 Chojan Shang (non-binding)
+1 Amogh Jahagirdar (non-binding)
+1 Renjie Liu (non-binding)
+1 Daniel Weeks (binding)
+1 Jean-Babtiste Onofré (non-binding)
+1 Jack Ye (binding)
+1 Ryan Blue (binding)

The release candidate has been accepted as Iceberg-rust 0.2.0. Thanks,
everyone for working on this, when all artifacts are published the
announcement will be sent out.

Replying to some of the earlier comments:

>    - The REST catalog was unable to resolve icebergdata.minio causing 2
>    test failures. I had to switch over to local FS to run tests or else
>    rest_catalog_test cases test_create_table and test_update_table would fail.
>    I suspect this is a docker problem because there is a link in the
>    docker-compose.yaml file to provide that alias
> That's an interesting one. I was able to connect to the REST catalog <let
config =
let catalog = RestCatalog::new(config).await.unwrap(); let all_namespaces =
catalog.list_namespaces(None).await.unwrap(); println!("Namespaces in
current catalog: {:?}", all_namespaces); let table2 = catalog
.load_table(&TableIdent::from_strs(["nyc", "taxis"]).unwrap()) .await
.unwrap(); println!("{:?}", table2.metadata()); println!("Hello, world!");>.
I'm working on a PR to add authentication as well.

>    - The LICENSE file doesn’t contain any third-party code documentation.
>    That’s fine if there isn’t any copied code in the whole project, but seems
>    a little suspicious. Copying code is fairly common. Please help us make
>    sure code taken from other places is properly documented!
> In PyIceberg we made sure to attribute some of the code to the original
authors in the LICENSE file
This product includes code from Apache Avro. * Code for initializing the
Avro (de)compression codecs * The Binary decoder for reading in an Avro
byte stream Copyright: 2014-2022 The Apache Software Foundation. Home page:
https://avro.apache.org/ License:

Good improvement for next releases: update NOTICE file to mention non
> ASF dependencies (listed in DEPENDENCIES.rust.tsv) with summary of the
> licenses. I will propose a PR about that.

This was also a point of discussion of the latest PyIceberg release and
spent quite some time digging into it. I also saw it popping up at the Java
1.5.0 release, I'll reply to it there.

Thanks everyone!

Kind regards,

Op di 20 feb 2024 om 02:28 schreef Renjie Liu <liurenjie2...@gmail.com>:

> Hi, Ryan:
>>    - The REST catalog was unable to resolve icebergdata.minio causing 2
>>    test failures. I had to switch over to local FS to run tests or else
>>    rest_catalog_test cases test_create_table and test_update_table would 
>> fail.
>>    I suspect this is a docker problem because there is a link in the
>>    docker-compose.yaml file to provide that alias
>> Sorry, I don't know how you run the tests, but the integration tests are
> run in ci. So I think you are right, there are some problems with docker
> setup.
>>    - The LICENSE file doesn’t contain any third-party code
>>    documentation. That’s fine if there isn’t any copied code in the whole
>>    project, but seems a little suspicious. Copying code is fairly common.
>>    Please help us make sure code taken from other places is properly
>>    documented!
>>  As far as I know, currently we don't have codes directly copied from
> other projects. We have borrowed some codes from icelake
> <https://github.com/icelake-io/icelake> and JanKaul's iceberg-rust
> <https://github.com/JanKaul/iceberg-rust> , but we are also authors of
> those codes, so I think it's fine without documentation for these codes?
>>    - The release script creates the tarball with git archive — which is
>>    good — but doesn’t specify the specific files to include so you get
>>    everything, including .gitignore, .github, .asf.yaml, and others that
>>    aren't needed. I prefer being explicit about what is included to minimize
>>    unnecessary files.
>> Thanks for reporting this, we will improve it later.
> make check failed in a cargo sort command. It looks like this is not
>> intended to work in a release tarball?
> After some investigation, I think this is a bug in `cargo sort`, the root
> cause is this line
> <https://github.com/DevinR528/cargo-sort/blob/55ec89082466f6bb246d870a8d56d166a8e1f08b/src/main.rs#L56>
>  ,
> e.g. since the path(/home/blue/tmp/apache-iceberg-rust-0.2.0-src)
> contains '.', it thinks it's a file without checking, and then it tries to
> read it as a file, and failed. A simple workaround is to rename
> apache-iceberg-rust-0.2.0-src to sth without dots, and it works. I'll
> report a bug for cargo sort.
> On Tue, Feb 20, 2024 at 8:54 AM Ryan Blue <b...@tabular.io> wrote:
>> +1 (binding)
>>    - Checked signature and checksum
>>    - Ran the license check using docker run -it --rm -v
>>    $(pwd):/github/workspace apache/skywalking-eyes header check
>>    (I found this in the release.sh script)
>>    - Verified .licenserc.yaml, LICENSE, and NOTICE
>>    - Spot checked occurrences of ‘[Ff]rom’, ‘http’, and ‘[Cc]opied’ in
>>    source to check for undocumented copied code (none)
>>    - Compiled and tested in 1.75.0 using make test
>>    - Built with cargo build --release
>>    - Ran several makefile checks
>> Non-blocking issues:
>>    - The REST catalog was unable to resolve icebergdata.minio causing 2
>>    test failures. I had to switch over to local FS to run tests or else
>>    rest_catalog_test cases test_create_table and test_update_table would 
>> fail.
>>    I suspect this is a docker problem because there is a link in the
>>    docker-compose.yaml file to provide that alias
>>    - The LICENSE file doesn’t contain any third-party code
>>    documentation. That’s fine if there isn’t any copied code in the whole
>>    project, but seems a little suspicious. Copying code is fairly common.
>>    Please help us make sure code taken from other places is properly
>>    documented!
>>    - The release script creates the tarball with git archive — which is
>>    good — but doesn’t specify the specific files to include so you get
>>    everything, including .gitignore, .github, .asf.yaml, and others that
>>    aren't needed. I prefer being explicit about what is included to minimize
>>    unnecessary files.
>>    - make check failed in a cargo sort command. It looks like this is
>>    not intended to work in a release tarball?
>>    cargo sort -c -w
>>    error: no file found at: /home/blue/tmp/apache-iceberg-rust-0.2.0-src
>>    make: *** [Makefile:33: cargo-sort] Error 1
>> On Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 11:00 AM Jack Ye <yezhao...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> +1 (binding)
>>> Verified checksum, signature, license, note, ASF header
>>> Ran build and test
>>> Checked no unexpected binary files
>>> Best,
>>> Jack Ye
>>> On Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 2:33 AM Jean-Baptiste Onofré <j...@nanthrax.net>
>>> wrote:
>>>> +1 (non binding)
>>>> I checked:
>>>> - checksum and signature are correct
>>>> - ASF headers are there (not in the tsv files but not a problem)
>>>> - no binary found in the source distribution
>>>> Good improvement for next releases: update NOTICE file to mention non
>>>> ASF dependencies (listed in DEPENDENCIES.rust.tsv) with summary of the
>>>> licenses. I will propose a PR about that.
>>>> Thanks !
>>>> Regards
>>>> JB
>>>> On Thu, Feb 15, 2024 at 1:52 PM Fokko Driesprong <fo...@apache.org>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> > Hello, Apache Iceberg Rust Community,
>>>> >
>>>> > This is a call for a vote to release Apache Iceberg Rust version
>>>> 0.2.0.
>>>> >
>>>> > The tag to be voted on is 0.2.0-rc.1.
>>>> >
>>>> > This first release provides integration with the REST catalog and a
>>>> lot of scaffolding that's needed for reading the data.
>>>> >
>>>> > The release candidate:
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/iceberg/iceberg-rust-0.2.0-rc.1/
>>>> >
>>>> > Keys to verify the release candidate:
>>>> >
>>>> > https://downloads.apache.org/iceberg/KEYS
>>>> >
>>>> > Git tag for the release:
>>>> >
>>>> > https://github.com/apache/iceberg-rust/releases/tag/v0.2.0-rc.1
>>>> >
>>>> > Please download, verify, and test.
>>>> >
>>>> > The VOTE will be open for at least 72 hours and until the necessary
>>>> > number of votes are reached.
>>>> >
>>>> > [ ] +1 approve
>>>> > [ ] +0 no opinion
>>>> > [ ] -1 disapprove with the reason
>>>> >
>>>> > To learn more about Apache Iceberg, please see
>>>> https://rust.iceberg.apache.org/
>>>> >
>>>> > Checklist for reference:
>>>> >
>>>> > [ ] Download links are valid.
>>>> > [ ] Checksums and signatures.
>>>> > [ ] LICENSE/NOTICE files exist
>>>> > [ ] No unexpected binary files
>>>> > [ ] All source files have ASF headers
>>>> > [ ] Can compile from source
>>>> >
>>>> > More detailed checklist please refer to:
>>>> > https://github.com/apache/iceberg-rust/tree/main/scripts
>>>> >
>>>> > To compile from the source, please refer to:
>>>> > https://github.com/apache/iceberg-rust/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md
>>>> >
>>>> > Huge thanks to: Amogh Jahagirdar, Chengxu Bian, Christian Daudt,
>>>> Farooq Qaiser, JanKaul, Manu Zhang, Mark Grey, Renjie Liu, Tyler Schauer,
>>>> Xiaoyang Liu, Xuanwo, ZENOTME, barronw, hiirrxnn, y0psolo, yi wang, zhjwpku
>>>> and of course dependabot[bot] for working on this first release!
>>>> >
>>>> > Here is a Python script in release to help you verify the release
>>>> candidate:
>>>> >
>>>> > ./scripts/verify.py
>>>> >
>>>> > Please consider this my +1 (binding) vote. I've ran the license
>>>> checks and tested against the REST catalog, and it worked like a charm.
>>>> Code can be found here:
>>>> https://github.com/Fokko/hello-iceberg/blob/master/src/main.rs
>>>> >
>>>> > Thanks, Fokko
>> --
>> Ryan Blue
>> Tabular

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